Author: Regency
Title: Detective Strangelove (or How Liv Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the [Strawberry] Blonde)
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Pairing: Casey/Liv, implied Casey/other
Rating: PG-13 for innuendo
Word count: 11,203
Spoilers: Anytime Liv has ever worn a top with ruffles. Takes places when Liz Donnelly was still Bureau Chief.
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Comments 9
I love angst on occasion, but it's nice to read something that doesn't need huge drama to keep the readers attention. Since, well, not everything is drama filled.
lol, in conclusion. I loved it.
For instance, I'm writing a story for another f/f pairing in which the two people meet, hit it off, think it's working before realizing that it isn't. Sometimes, that happens. It doesn't have to be suicide and vodka. Doesn't mean the feelings aren't real and that breaking up doesn't hurt; just that now, for them, is bad.
tl;dr: Angst can be fun, but I'm turning 20, time to be happy.
Sorry, I didn't switch lj accounts.
I LOVED it. You're right, we DO think alike. I laughed so hard while reading this.
P.S. I made a plain Casey icon from that base. You like?
Ack, I replied to someone else just now. Cheese and rice.
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