Dec 15, 2008 23:51
Tonight Iza was sorting through some old papers from when she taught English at a Polish secondary school. She showed me a list of student howlers that teachers in her area had compiled one year.
There are many apocryphal howlers out there - "Sir Francis Drake circumcised the world with a 100 foot clipper", etc. I like these ones because I know they're genuine. Standard disclaimer applies: I know about 6 words of Polish and have no right to laugh at these kids.
That being said:
"... sandwiches with harm" [ham?]
"I must go to a doctor because I have a stomache"
"... eat a view eggs"
"You can eat some chess, white or yellow salami, honey, cucumber, broath"
"You can eat beard"
"You brekfast the legs and hamburger"
"I want to study in the loo"
"I have a certifikat of advantages!"
"Me Inglisch is perfekt"
"I like spending my free time in young people"