Is me

Aug 06, 2011 20:09

Greetings, Approximately Fifteen People!

That is: LJ fwiends who still check Livejournal (perhaps about 12) + Individuals who have this blog on their RSS readers (guesstimate 2) + Anyone else who just happens to have checked here in the last couple of days (maybe 1) = Approximately 15. Hi there.

The last sensible stuff I posted was about a trip to Poland in April. I'm in Poland again now; have been for the last week; will be home tomorrow pm.

I haven't been following LJ or Twitter at all and so am properly out of whatever loops may have been looping these past months.

Various things happened between the Poland trips and I'm thinking of doing a series of updates over the next couple of weeks - subjects like Work; Malta; Mosquito Bites; etc. We'll see how far I get. Watch this cyberspace.

How about you: what up, bruvs generic?
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