Do you have a learning disability? Want to share your experience? Take my survey!

Apr 17, 2014 17:29

Subject: Brief Online Study for Students Diagnosed with Learning Disability/Disabilities.

Hello my name is Elizabeth Geiger and I am a masters student in the Counseling Psychology program at Teachers College, Columbia University. I am looking for individuals who would like to participate in my research study exploring the life experiences of students diagnosed with a learning disability/disabilities. This survey should only take about 20 minutes of your time.

If you are willing and eligible to participate, please click on the link provided below. Thank you in advance for your time and input. Also, I would really appreciate it if you could pass this message along to anyone else that you think may be eligible and willing to participate.

Eligibility Criteria:
* Must be at least 18 years old.
* Must reside in the U.S.
* Must be diagnosed with a learning disability/disabilities.
* Must be currently enrolled in college or graduate school.

If you meet the above eligibility criteria and are interested in participating, please click on the link below to take you to the survey:

***This study has been approved by the Teachers College, Columbia University Institutional Review Board: (Protocal #14-020).

It is possible that participants may recall experiences and events involving stigmatization and discrimination that may be unpleasant or uncomfortable. In order to help minimize any discomfort, participants may skip questions or leave the survey at any time without penalty.

If you have any complaints, questions, concerns, or would like to know the results, please feel free to contact me via e-mail at or my faculty sponsor Dr. Melanie Brewster at

#learningdisability #disability #adhd #a
