Jul 25, 2004 23:53
where have i been? who knows? but for some reason my lazy self hasn't posted in a long time, so i'm gonna "try" (keyword: try) to make it up to you ppl in this post, haven't been very busy lately, soccer, sleeping, that fun stuff, goin to the mall, yay for having a life! i would type up another poem but i'm too lazy so you'll have to wait for another day, it seems that lazy is a running theme in my life, oh well, shiny object, got distracted, what was i talking about, oh yeah, nothing really important i don't think i'm doin a very good job of making it up to you, but oh well, not my problem, or is it my problem? or no one's problem? i bet that felt like a waste of time, and most likely it was, one question, why are so many "straight" guys wearing pink? in the mall you can't turn around and not see a pink wearing wannabe wiger or a metrosexual prep, i mean come on, pink is a fun color for girls but isn't that something guys should just leave alone, just a little messed up, come on, wigers keep to the throw backs and preps stick to the polo's, no pink! or we could just get rid of all the preps and wigers but because i've been called both at least once in my life i might not make it through the filtering process, that's a fun mental picture, the filter, not the killing, you sick freak, you were thinking about the killing, weren't you, don't lie, remember when i talked about wasting time, yeah, i'm good at it, and you lie if you say i'm not, i'm too skinny, ppl say i need to eat more but i think my stomach was stapled when i was an infant, those bastard doctors, well i need sleep time, so this is good enough, and if you don't think so then do something about it