Especially for "pastorlenny"

Feb 27, 2009 22:43


Radical faith. A challenge to a young generation. 1984

Conquering faith. 1985

Go into battle! A call to arms for disciples. 1986

Young leadership. 1987

These first four are (as the titles hint at) his more “word-of-faithy” production.

Longing for holiness. A book about discipleship for youth and other adults. 1989

The longing of the fools. On living from within in an impossible world. 1991

These two books are transitional. During this time he started out on his journey back through Church history, which gave fruition in the long series of books to follow. The second of these introduce his mature writing style: thoughtful and essayistic or aphoristic. A bit like Richard Foster on hash or downers, only brainier.

Virgin soil. A modern pilgrim’s progress to his roots. 1993

This book chronicles select revivals from all ages of the Church, focusing on important individuals and drawing parallels between then and now. Chapters focus on Kaj Munk (Danish priest, martyred by the Nazis) and Frank Mangs (Finland-Swedish Evangelical preacher), S:t Anthony of Egypt (the first proper monk), S:t Augustine, Origen, S:t Benedict of Nursia, S:t Bernhard of Clairvaux, S:t Dominic, and finally Nicolaus Cusanus. A study of sorts for “21 Church Fathers”, but still with a “western” slant.

Pathfinders. Conversations with spiritual guides. 1994

Halldorf interviews people that interest him for his periodical “Pilgrim”. Included among Scandinavians from various denominations are Richard Foster and James Houston.

Sons of the sand. A desert chronicle of sorts. 1996

An aphoristic travelogue of his trips into the Egyptian and Syrian deserts, on the trail of the first monastics.

From here on the Way is no longer a road. 1997

The “hidden history” of an ecumenical study-and-prayer group in Stockholm about a hundred years ago. The group had connections into several denominations and was important as a place to exchange ideas, but very little has been written about them, since they did not want publicity. A humbling, yet inspiring read, as these were very holy, ordinary people.

Spirit and letter, or How do I become a holy person? A short theology for the garden of the soul. 1998

A book on the importance of discernment and spiritual balance.

21 Church Fathers. The story of the shaping of Christianity. 2000

The best introduction to patristics I’ve ever read. Halldorf makes the Church Fathers come alive as individual persons. These are mini-biographies with both theological analysis and meditative qualities.

Kissing the tracks. Daily readings from the early Church. 2000

Short excerpts from the Church fathers for daily meditation.

Holy root. 2001

A different take on discernment than “Spirit and letter”.

Conversations. Four meetings on the spiritual journey. 2002

Not quite like “Pathfinders”. These are four dialogues Halldorf has set up between people from various denominations that he thinks should have something to say to each other and people willing to listen in. Sometimes Halldorf moderates, sometimes he takes part, sometimes he just takes notes.

Drink deeply of the Spirit! The presence and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the personal life of the Christian person. 2003

Halldorf considers this his “magnum opus”. A thorough overview of the activity of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer, as described throughout the whole of the Bible and interpreted by Christians from various times and places (but especially from the East).

As were a fire burning. Sermons for a Church year. 2004

What it says.

Oh, you burning flame of love! Nine meditations on the Holy Spirit. 2004

A companion volume of sorts to "Drink deeply of the Spirit!” Nine longer texts intended for reading during the nine days from Ascension till Pentecost.

The secret of simplicity. 25 texts from the periodical Pilgrim 1994-2004. 2004

A “best of the other contributors” edited by Halldorf.

Spirit and letter, or The thin line between fanaticism and decay. 2005

An “updated” version of the book. I understand why he made some of the changes, but I still think the original version is better. However, the new sub-heading better says what it’s about.

The Eucharist as it is celebrated in the Upper Chamber of the “New Castle”, Bjärka-Säby. An exposition  of the spirituality of the holy meal. 2005

Halldorf’s local liturgy is pretty much an emulation of the Coptic liturgy of S:t Basil.

People of the Spirit. A disciple walks through the Acts of the Apostles. 2006

Many hundred pages worth of Bible study. There is not a scrap that he does not address. Quite possible THE definitive popular study of Acts, at the very least in a Scandinavian language. The best example of his marrying Pentecostal and Eastern theology in my opinion. Scholarly, not mystical.

Scent of the saints. 2008

Halldorf explains why his route the last 15 years went the way it did. Since he never wants focus to be on himself, but on God, the book is too vague to be really helpful. If you’ve read his other stuff very little is new. Possibly more intended for his Evangelical detractors than for his fans.

A short guide to prayer (2002); fasting (2002); baptism (2004)

Three little booklets in a series with other contributors.
