I'm in the middle of my two-week vacation right now, here at my parents' place. If there's one thing I miss about being home, more than the 42" plasma TV with 5.1 surround sound, or heck, even more than I miss my wonderful 4-year old niece, it's the feeling of security. The familiarity of the smell, the sounds - gad, the sounds! My apartment can be quiet as a graveyard sometimes! - and the presence of people milling about at the periphery of my vision, they all envelope me and make me feel safe. That, and I like the idea of saving money on food and utilities while I'm here. I might actually decide to stay an extra week next week, if only the demands of work didn't get in the way.
So I'm slowly slogging through the remainder of LJ userpic requests, with apologies to those who I haven't gotten around to drawing icons for. Eep!
luntian offered free Seattle's Best in exchange for this custom LJ userpic:
katzify asked for something that moved, but she'll just have to settle for a cute Melancholy Kitty (you can always ask me to edit the text, if you'd like - but no, I will not make it move!):
salumpwet wanted a portrait of her, but I thought this was more fun. Only Zsazsa Zaturnnah can be more gay than Monix. Hee hee.
(I didn't really mean that last part. Gad. Monix - who incidentally has been punishing my eyes for using those Madam Auring userpics - can kick my ass with one hand tied behind her back, and I really really don't want that to happen. Not remotely as fun as it sounds, that, not even close.)
(Shit, I'll gladly make you more LJ userpics if it means you'll stop using those Madam Auring images. My eyes, they burn!)