(no subject)

Mar 29, 2005 21:18

[my name is]: alex
[single or taken]: taken
[sex]: male
[siblings]: one older sister and one younger sister
[hair color]: brownish blondeish......reddish
[eye color]: blueish greenish
[height]: they tell me im 6'0"
[in the morning i am]: really really tired
[love is]: the best
[i dream about]: not much, and when i do i cant remember

**W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X **

[what do you notice first?]: ummmm i think hair
[makes you smile]: a lot. i smile from things i think in my head sometimes and i think it looks really really weird.
[who gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: take a guess
[who do you have a crush on]: i wonder......

**W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N**

[you laughed with]: ummm i dont remember
[you talked to on the phone]: tierney
[you instant messaged]: brian

**D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U**

[what's your favorite food?]: ive been addicted to pizza recently
[could u live w/o the computer]: yeah but i would rather not
[favorite fruit?]: not a big fruit fan
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: they both hurt
[trust others easily?]: yeah

**N U M B E R**

[of times i have had my heart broken?]: a few but a certain amazing girl always fixes it because she is the best in the world.
[of hearts i have broken?]: sometimes but i dont mean to and she knows it because i love her and she knows that too and loves me back
[of drugs taken illegally?]: zero
[of tight friends?]: idk 4 or 5
[of cd's that i own?]: like 40ish
[of scars on my body?]: only one really noticable one and one that looks like a whale!
[of things in my past that i regret?]: not much


[i know]: i should be doing homework
[i want]: it to be the weekend
[i have]: to do a lit letter
[i wish]: mr murray would be absent this week
[i hate]: homework
[i miss]: hockey
[i fear]: the boogey-man
[i hear]: taking back sunday
[i search]: for nothing
[i love]: weekends
[i care]: idk
[i always]: shower
[i cry]: once a year maybe?
[i can usually be found]: sitting and doing nothing
[i need]: a lit letter machine


[wuss]: yeah
[gang member]: not yet
[daydreamer]: always
[freak]: i dont think so
[sarcastic]: too much
[goody-goody]: unfortunately
[talkative]: not at the right times


[your best feature (personality)]: ill usually listen to you
[most annoying thing you do]: dont stop talking when i really should and end up looking stupid.
[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: my hair
[a city you'd like to visit]: paris or venice
[a drink you order most often]: MILK
[a delicious dessert]: pie
[a book you highly recommend]: Lion's Game
[a film you could watch over and over]: Garden State
[your cologne or perfume]: umm i dont wear it
[under your bed or in your closet you hide]: my notebook

**f a s h i o n | s t u f f**

[where is your favorite place to shop]: i haven't shopped in about 2 years
[any tattoos or piercings]: none

**s p e c i f i c s**

[what kind of shampoo do you use?]: suave. two different kinds b/c my metrosexual kit tells me to.
[where do you want to get married?]: doesnt really matter
[how many buddies are online right now?]: 50
[what would you change about yourself]: nothing

**f a v o r i t e s**

[color]: green
[boys names]: im not into names
[girls names]: yeah im still not into names
[subjects in school]: lunch, study hall, gym, orchestra
[animals]: idk im not a big animal fan
[sports]: hockey

**h a v e | y o u | e v e r**

[given anyone a bath?]: not a bath...... ;)
[bungee jumped?]: no
[made yourself throw up?]: yeah
[skinny dipped?]: no but i really want to
[been in love?]: YES!
[made yourself cry to get out of trouble?]: no
[pictured your crush naked?]: yeah
[actually seen your crush naked?]: yeah
[cried when someone died?]: yes
[lied]: yes
[fallen for your best friend?]: sorta
[been rejected?]: i think i kinda was
[rejected someone]: no
[used someone?]: no

**c u r r e n t**

[clothes]: greenish pants, black shirt, clock socks
[music]: taking back sunday
[make-up]: mmhmmmmm
[annoyance]: lit letter
[smell]: my room
[favorite artist]: ...
[favorite group]: taking back sunday or brand new
[desktop picture]: me
[cd in player]: brand new but thats only cause i left my iPod at zacs....again
[color of toenails]: a lovely shade of toenail

**l a s t | p e r s o n**

[you touched]: tierney i guess
[hugged]: tierney
[you imed]: brian
[you yelled at]: probably kati

**a r e | y o u**

[understanding]: usually
[open-minded]: about most things
[arrogant]: i dont think so
[insecure]: sometimes
[interesting]: you tell me
[random]: yeah but in a bad way usually
[hungry]: not really
[smart]: no
[moody]: like a pmsing girl
[hard working]: no
[organized]: if by that you mean, can i find anything then yes. but if you mean clean and neat, then no.
[healthy]: yes
[shy]: not as much as i used to be
[difficult]: yeah
[attracted]: ummmm
[bored easily]: way too easily
[messy]: not really
[responsible]: yeah
[obsessed]: with what?
[angry]: not right now
[sad]: no
[happy]: most days
[trusting]: yes

**w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a**

[kill]: no one really.
[slap]: mr murray
[look like]: no one
[all i need is]: to finish this english
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