So, uh, it's been quite a while since I posted in this thing.
I'm starting work on a new zine and I decided that I want contributions from everyone who reads this. Inspired by the monthly column in Esquire, the zine is going to run in the vein of "What I've Learned." It's sort of like the 100 things about me meme a few years back, but instead of introspection, it's all about painting broad strokes regarding the world around us. Basically, it's just a list of simple observations that you've found to be essential in your decades on earth. Don't be self-conscious; just jot down the first 10 or 15 things that come to your head.
When I publish it, I will also include photos of each author. I'll get to that later. Also, expect a top 50 albums of the year post from me sometime in the near future. Here's my "What I've Learned" to get you guys started.
There are few albums better than the White Album, and few songs more beautiful than “Blackbird”
When people know you’re waiting for a parking spot, they will wait as long as possible to back out.
Being skinny is really no fun.
Don’t always be worried about the inevitable obsolescence of things you own. If it works fine for you now, it will probably also work fine after the next model comes out. Your iPod doesn’t say, “Shit, there’s a new, better me? I better start fucking up now!”
Bicycling is good for the soul. So is tomato soup. I still don’t get the big deal about chicken soup.
No set of huge, expensive stereo speakers can match the beautiful, private experience of listening to music with a good pair of headphones.
No matter what intellectuals say, playing a video game or watching a movie with someone is just as good of a bonding experience as a deep conversation is. You can learn a lot about someone from his or her unconscious body language and the way they act while not explicitly paying attention to you.
Own lots of books. Never be without at least something to read.
In that regard, paperbacks are just as classy as hardcovers.
At least once in your life, lock yourself in a small room for several hours to gain a true appreciation of just how much open space is out there for us to explore!
If you need to abandon the experience of your life, or travel an enormous distance, to go to a funeral of a loved one, do it. You will not regret the time taken and the stress exerted to get home in time to say goodbye.
Drink as much lemonade as humanly possible.
Keep a copy of every document you ever write. It’s a fascinating way to look at who you used to be. Words say a lot.
Subscribe to good magazines and read them cover to cover the day you get them in your mail.
Don’t be afraid of country music. It won't hurt you, and it isn't only for rednecks.
Getting too hung up on politics is a bad idea. Find an ideology you love and support, but remember that the world changes every day, and so should your mind.
Nevertheless, work for a presidential campaign at least once in your life.
Who cares if you pick your nose? Not me!
If you want to feel like a kid again, visit a science museum.
Learn how to operate a manual transmission car. You never know when you might need to use one.
WD-40 solves most problems.
Even if your poetry is idiotic, it’s worthwhile to just get it onto paper and out of your head.
Never be ashamed of how smart you feel.
Few things are as fun or frustrating as deciding how to use a gift certificate.
Living on the cheap is just as exciting and fun as buying everything you need.
Trust your instincts. They are almost always right.
Okay, I suppose some are kind of hokey, but what the fuck are you gonna do about it!?
Happy new year to everyone! Post your "What I've Learned" on your journal or in my comments section so I can start making the zine!