Выношу из комментариев к подзамочному постингу мой ответ уважаемому юзеру, который сравнивал энергетику протестов на Ротшльде с тем, что происходило в Питере и Москве в 1989-90
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There is a huge difference - in Russia, as always, this was inspired from above. The people there would never protest on their own and would never demand their rights. In Israel this is a real protest coming from the people, who are fed up with the politicians thinking they can do whatever they want. So, this is a protest of free people - as opposed to a protest of slaves. Regarding the "beauty" of the faces - I totally disagree, of course.
Всё начиналось, как протест свободных людей. Продолжилось, как использование этих свободных людей левыми в политических целях. И закончилось, как политическая борьба между левыми и правыми. Хотя, Израиль не Россия, это уж точно.
"Всё начиналось, как протест свободных людей. Продолжилось, как использование этих свободных людей левыми в политических целях. И закончилось, как политическая борьба между левыми и правыми." Where - in Israel ??
In Russia noone (almost) protested, till Gorbachev performed his revolution from the top. In Rotshild - people I know, were talking about this for years till they finally did this, on their own.
In Israel this is a real protest coming from the people, who are fed up with the politicians thinking they can do whatever they want.
So, this is a protest of free people - as opposed to a protest of slaves.
Regarding the "beauty" of the faces - I totally disagree, of course.
Where - in Israel ??
And actually the organisers of the Rotshild protest were (and paid for this)
In Rotshild - people I know, were talking about this for years till they finally did this, on their own.
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