Jul 18, 2006 22:59
When I was in grade 7, I had the great luck to be lectured to by one Prof. Fells, who taught engineering at Dalhousie. He was one of those inscrutable people who denounces wrong answers far more happily than he appreciates correct ones. His solution to the energy crisis was nuclear power. He didn't think that wind, solar and hydroelectric sources could meet demand, and he didn't believe that nuclear meltdown was much of a deterrent- his precise words,
"Do you know how often that happens?".
As I left the class room all those years ago, I couldn't help but remember that old poem, "I do not like thee, Dr. Fell, The reason why, I cannot tell..."
My literary project this summer will be English poetry of the Romantic period and Wordsworth + 1 novel. I'm open to suggestions.