my new samsung d500 *love*

May 28, 2005 10:04

i have a new mobile and a new number so friends email me to get it.... hotmail address please.

heh i did a 13 hour shift yesterday. i am so screwed. i am delirious and mad. staying up and standing for that long made my mind go mad. last time that happened was at waicon.

i felt like typing roflmao continuously. so that's why i am am making an entry today instead.

i must be in too much of a good mood. i ended up having a conversation without abuse to someone i reallt didn't expect anything like that from. protoculture.

he reminds me of someone i knew when i was 15. MaxImuM. well maximum was rude unreasonable and wanted to kill me. i was an annoying 16 year old who was always attracting his attention on mIRC. attracting... maybe that is too much of a romanced word for this entry. i was walking into him on chat constantly. being "put in line" for my 15 yr old statements. i really thought i knew everything. boy was i wrong. i still don't like him now and even when i join that old mirc channel he is still there putting 15 yr old girls into line. and he still kick/bans me. immature, he never changed.

i never thought i'd says this but i needed him. max, for all the abuse and outrageous arguments. i can look back now and laugh at it.

i don't tip toe around people, not like i used to before max. i think about what i say and how i'd look by saying it. self concious to a degree but delivering the truth when it needs to be said. i have kinda turned into his minion? no not minion, i don't think i am below him. i have advanced my master. he never had any friends and he never could say i learnt this from a friend. because he had none.

sometimes people of this world seem unreasonable and harsh and you feel like you'd rather be dead than acknowledge they deserve to live as much as your friends. but people are entitled to think they way they want and say the things they want to say. and because of that people have different toleance levels and certain things we consider weird or normal.

because of my life experience i don't reguard people who like pairings *cough* as paedophiles, i don't think gay people are less than human, i don't think that people are classified as popular or cool are better than people who are considered unpopular or loners.

maybe i am just blabbering from lack of proper rest.

there are worse things in life. than a life time enemy.

you learn things from them as much as your friends.

well back to being 23, old wrinkly. and still as unpopular as i was in yr 4. :P
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