Dec 02, 2005 13:10
Or not. So dead week is upon us. I mean, non-dead-week-classes are now over.
Because making lists is the best way to procrastinate, here is what I need to fit in to the next week:
For Directing:
1. Finish my Suppliant Women approach.
2. Write my A Doll House approach.
3. Read Marat/Sade.
4. Write my Marat/Sade approach.
5. Rehearse final scene
For German:
1. Pick a play to write about
2. Write a final paper about how I would like to direct that play
For 163:
1. Read Doubt
2. Read Angels in America Pt. 1. Again.
3. Read Angels in America Pt 2. For real this time. I just realized that I may very likely own two copies of it. Silly Alex.
4. Write notes in like every play ever.
5. Read some of the criticism I'm supposed to have read.
For CS:
1. Write huge program called Adventure, with partner.
2. Watch old lectures that I didn't go to.
3. Study for final
4. Find people to study with
5. Study with people for final.
I really wish I could not do any of it and just do Cabaret.
Ok now I really need to take a shower. Byebye