Jan 05, 2007 08:18
The thing about school is that I hate it so much. I also hate people. I hate being in public places because I hate everyone. I don’t feel comfortable around people. I don’t feel comfortable with meeting someone new and I don’t care about meeting someone new. People are all the same. No one ever comes around just because they care; they do because they need something from you. Very few do good deeds for others because it is the right thing to do. Most just want something in return. Anyway, school makes me depressed. Over the curse of the summer I dropped around 40lbs and I was feeling great. I was down three belt sizes and I was willing to move around and be active for the first time since high school. At the end of august school started and there goes the diet and there goes the cardio. Five months later and I have gained 50lbs since then, 10lbs more than what I originally started off with. I feel like shit and I can’t wear any clothes of mine because everything is too small. I feel uptight and I can barely move around. I lose my breath so rapidly and I can hardly walk to places without losing a tone of sweat while feeling dizzy. So this is why I’m not going back to school for now. I obviously have a weight problem that is causing me to be uncomfortable physically. No I don’t care what people thinking and I don’t care how I look. The thing is that I don’t feel healthy. I feel stressed, depressed and physically weak all the time. I am not going to buy larger size shirts and pants because that is stupid. I am once again for the 20th time trying to lose weight and when I do stay at that weight. And this is the reason I’m not going back to school for now. I am fucken 20 years old goddamn it I am not supposed to be or feel like my life is almost at its end.