Chicago Supernatural Convention Pics

Nov 13, 2007 16:30

OK, so since I've already posted these over in TWoP, I suppose I ought to go ahead and post them here too. Hopefully I'll get some new ones up for you guys in a couple more days. Please link back to this post rather than copying these and pasting them all over the internets, 'K? If you want to use them for a specific purpose, ask me first please.

Probably one of the cutest J2 moments I've seen:

A couple more of them together, with Jensen sporting his Jared T-shirt. I loved the way he threatened to wear it on the plane all the way back to Vancouver.

A couple of just Jensen:

A couple of just Jared:

Samantha Ferris:

Frederic Lehne singing to the audience:

Fred dipping Samantha at the Saturday night dessert party:

That's all I've managed to get uploaded into Photobucket thus far. Stay tuned!
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