(no subject)

Feb 20, 2004 00:15

i'm tired.. but i thought i'd write in here anyway.

i'm finally starting to feel like i've settled into some kind of schedule, which i guess is good. cause you know, the first week or 2 of each semester, you have to re-adjust to new classes and whatnot. but its all feeling rather routine again. i'm not sure if thats good or not...

anyway... ok. i've had lots of reading to do. which is cool, except for the fact that i dont read as fast as i'd like to, and i dont know why. well... sometimes its cause theres a sorority meeting being held in the common room which makes it rather hard to concentrate when i can hear whats being said out there. not that i'm trying to listen in, but i can still hear everything being said, even with the door closed. i've tried reading with music on, listening through headphones.. but then i start listening to lyrics and trying to tab songs in my head.. go figure. so yeah, i was supposed to have finished Madame Bovary for today, but only read like 25-or-so pages in like 2+ hrs... fucking ridiculous. anyway. so yeah i read the Spark Notes online this morning. i didn't think thered be a quiz, but alas, there was. at first i was kinda :\ but afterwards, as we were discussing stuff in class, i realized that i somehow managed to hit upon each of the majors points that we discussed, even if it was just a sentence. so i have a feeling i might've actually done well on that. also, i'll add that Madame Bovary is one of the most depressing books i've ever read. so.. um... for you emo people on my friends list... you might like it :P

there was a test in my world religions course on Tuesday. i was freaking out about it cause i ended up getting about 3-4 hours of sleep the night before, since i did, in fact, complete the 115 pages of reading for Madame Bovary for the novel class that night, and thus didnt have time to really study for religion, except waking up early Tuesday morning. damn, that was a long sentence. anyway. so yeah i had about an hour to study in the morning, then another 45-50 minutes after lunch. it ended up being a piece of cake. i think i'll get an A on it. hell yeah... all of that stress for nothing.

ah yes, my recital. i cant believe i havent written about this yet. my recital was supposed to be tonight, but the date got moved to March 16th. its kind of a long story. i went to try to schedule the pre-recital jury too late, at which point Mr. Strohman (temporary head of the music dept., since Dr. Mecham, the real head, is currently in Australia, being the advisor for the study abroad thing) asked why i waited so late to schedule a pre-recital jury... yadda yadda yadda.... eventually asked would i want to move it back a bit and give myself some more time. at first i didnt want to do so, cause i felt bad... my parents had already made plans to come up that day and all. but then they told me not to worry about them and that their plans could change easily. so i ended up pushing it back. all in all, i think it was a good move. could i have done it tonight? yeah. but i wouldnt want to have done it and then thought... well, if i had more time, it couldve been better. ya know. so yeah.

what else...

spring break is coming up somewhat soon. i'd wanted to go visit my aunt/uncle/cousins in London but it doesnt look as if that is going to work out. i'd like to be able to go somewhere. though i wouldnt be totally opposed to just wasting away at home for a week or however long we have off. but a change of scenery would be cool *nod*

i went to cardiopump again tonight (this makes 4 times thus far) and got my ass kicked again. i was sooo tired by the end. but i'm gonna keep going. and now that the weather is improving a bit, i'm gonna try to start jogging again in the morning. cause.. i'll be damned if i'm gonna go running outside in 20 degree weather.

i'm going home tomorrow. yay. i've tried to go home for about 3 or 4 weeks now, but every time, something has happened to prevent that. maybe i'll be able to trade in my guitar and get one of the Takamine EANs that i like, or maybe... a Taylor.. *dies*. see, my mom told me that somehow i got this check for like $2000-ish... tax returns or something????? i really dont remember. and since there are no more tuition bills to pay, i can use it. however, my mom suggested using it wisely... aka not going out and buying $2000 of clothes or something. not that i would really do that anyway, since i'm not a huge shopper. but yeah, a new guitar would be nice. who the hell knows what will happen.

i'd thought of all of these interesting/non-mundane/thought-provoking things to write about, prior to now, but alas, they have all seemingly escaped my mind. i'll have to start writing things down as i think of them or something. yeah.

wow, this has been long.

procrastination, school, recital, #, guitar, lvc, blahh

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