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Nov 01, 2004 16:31

i was going to buy Eternal Sunshine... today when i returned that DVD but i didnt see it for sale and didn't feel like asking cause i was in my gym clothes and felt all nasty and therefore didnt really feel like interracting with anyone so i just let it go for now - but i do think i will buy it. i was supposed to have it back by noon but that didnt quite happen.. haha... as per usual with me, i just have to watch all the bonus material... it's usually my favorite stuff... all the behind the scenes stuff/interviews with the actors & directors/commentary/etc. i guess it's just all my years of being in plays and ballets and productions of the like... that i think the behind the scenes stuff - the making of the final product - is just as good as the final thing. i dont know. but yeah, i decided to start watching that... and then realized that the one commentary thing was actually the commentary of the writer & director throughout the whole movie (well i think they cut some scenes short, but still). so i essentially got to watch the whole thing again with their commenting as it played... talking about the filming of it, what it was like working with the actors, scenes that got cut, special meaning behind certain things, how the effects were done (most were not done with special effects)... amazing. so at the end of all of that, i think it ended up being about 1-something, so i left after that to take it back and then went to the gym. i've gotta make myself go every day this week or close to that. remarkably, ever since i've come back from across the pond, i've actually felt a little better (self-image-wise) than usual - go figure. i know i did a lot more walking over there.. thought i might have lost a few lbs but the scale read the same.. ah well. but yeah... gotta get back on track. what else is new.

definitely loving the Bonnie M. cd.... like Jess said before, it is a bit overproduced, but i think it works for the type of songs they are. i hope the label promotes it more in time.. i think with some airplay that she could get a good following. hell, maybe it is being played.. i dont know.. i hardly listen to the radio anymore. occasionally in the car and then whenever i'm in the gym there's some station on... oh man, when i was there today, they had some awful station on. i dont like rap in general, but there was this one song that was just so repetitious and awful.. i just couldnt help thinking... how could any label put this junk out/how can anyone really like it? i just dont get it. oh well. i only listened all the way through the S.S. one once... some of them were a bit.. different?.. i dont know the right word. i think i just need to listen to it more. Return to Oz (closing track) was neat though.. i liked the interesting chord progressions, from what i can remember.. and Mary is a great Elton-esque song. hmm what else... didnt actually listen to all the Keane songs.. i think i got to about 9 or so.. enough to get a good sense... initial reaction was 'meh'... i found some of the melodies kind of boring, to be honest. and a lot of the songs seemed to kind of meld together in my mind... same tempo/feel/production-style. i'll listen to it more i suppose. the Cake cd is typical Cake, of course... you just gotta love it... deadpan as it is and all. i only listened to that once all the way through... ditto with Griffin House, but i liked it. still havent put in Iron & Wine yet.. i guess its because i already know some of the songs cause i DLed them when i was on the Garden State kick.... but i'll listen soon. so thats all on the music front, i suppose.

oh yeah and i got another random IM from Paul today.. just asking if anything was going on with my music (i get one of these every few weeks)... to which i replied no not really recently... just got back from 2 weeks in London. to which he just replied 'hmmm' and nothing else. i then responded, after awhile, with 'so whats the deal about Jewel now?'.. he didnt answer and then signed off awhile later. ugh. why do i bother? well at least he didnt IM me to harrass me and tell me "youre not going anywhere/youre not doing anything/etc" like he did once.. yeah, i actually got that a few weeks ago when i was in london.. same convo when he mentioned the thing about Jewel... i'm like what the hell? what do you expect to gain by IMing me and harassing me and putting me down that way? you think i'm just gonna say... thanks for the negative words... now help me out? i mean hell i'd love some help but i don't appreciate being talked to that way. no, i am not a bitch but still. ughhh. rather frustrating. ok enough of that. have to go meet my dad to drop off some papers he left at home. i think later i'll finish writing about my trip and attempt to find some way to post the rest of the pics.. i'm thinking 2 posts somehow. ta ta

wtf, movies, music

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