concert, etc.

Oct 07, 2004 14:05

ha... i just went to Wawa to get lunch (yeah its 1:30 and i'm eating lunch now. i eat at the most random times) and some lady complimented me as we were both leaving.. she said that she liked my skirt (its a denim flouncy-ish skirt that i got at the Gap a few months ago... it was called the 'flirt skirt'.. haha) and that the outfit looked good on me. that was unexpected but nice to hear - i just threw this on quickly before leaving, not caring a whole lot what i looked like. ah well :P

anywayyyyy last night i attended a great concert. i originally wanted to go because Charlotte was on the bill but i definitely enjoyed the whole song. Matt Nathanson was the headliner, Charlotte just opened, as well as the lovely Jess Weiser's friend Emm Gryner, whom i really really liked. i went and said hi to Charlotte and Emm after they played. i didnt know that Emm was going to be there too or else i would've made another cd. i did give Charlotte a cd of 2 of my demo songs (left off Lately cause i dont really like it that much anymore.. too cliche), a new one that i just kinda finished yesterday called Halfway Home (sounds very Charlotte/Tori Amos-ish, at least the piano part), and then me doing a cover of On Your Shore. i hope she likes it and doesnt think i didnt do it justice :P i know i got all the chords right and stuff (yay for many semesters of theory classes) but Charlotte is a trained classical singer and can belt out the high stuff really powerful, while lately i've been singing stuff in lower ranges :P so yeah hopefully she likes it. i put my email address on there too... same deal as when i gave Rachael a cd a few weeks ago.

hmm i need a new paragraph. anyway... in the beginning of Charlotte's set, there were these stupid kids up front who were being really rude and not paying attention/yelling back and forth/generally being obnoxious, so right in the middle of a song, Charlotte just stopped and looked right at them and pretty much told them off. she said something like that it was rude to yell to each other right there in the front because there are some people that are there to listen, so to please either be polite and be quiet, or move to the back. apparently they still talked for a minute, cause then she said... ok, i'm waiting for you to either be quiet or move, please. there were much more people there than there were when i saw her last time, but no one seemed to know the words or really be into it. i sang along to the ones i knew. she did a lot of new stuff, as well as I'm Normal, Please Date Me... yay, love that song. i have the little button that she gave out last time on my purse. haha. the last song she did was the Wild Horses cover, and at one part she started crying and just didnt sing a line or something. i felt really bad for her. apparently it was cause she's not feeling too well either (coming down w/something i guess).. she said this at the meet & greet spot afterwards. she was great nonetheless though. i told her afterwards that i was glad she put those people in their place. they were being really rude. she was still crying a little bit and kept apologizing to everyone... poor girl

ok anyway. so then Emm came on... actually i was still in the back chatting w/Charlotte when Emm came on but i went back in shortly thereafter. like Charlotte, she performed solo... switched back & forth between piano & guitar. i really enjoyed her set... i mean she was good back when she was w/the Cardigans at the Chicks w/Attitude concert too, but it was harder to hear cause she was just singing backing vocals and stuff. i think she had a good rapport with the audience too. Charlotte can come off as kind of.. i dont know.. quirky/remote/eccentric, i guess (though i love her for it). sometimes she just plays w/one hand and taps the mic with the other for a percussive effect and then when one line started with some S word, she made kind of a hiss sound like a snake.. haha. it was just to get people's attention, which it certainly did. anywayyyy but Emm was very personable and friendly onstage and did a great job. i went and talked to her afterwards and bought 2 cds. if only i'd known that the guy standing next to her there was her manager (and also from NJ, i just found out from her site), i would've talked to him more. maybe i will email him. he seemed like a nice guy. Emm also said to feel free to email her if i want any advice or anything... i told her i also play piano/guitar & studied music in college.. and am trying to work on getting myself started and whatnot.

ok and then finally Matt Nathanson came on. i wish i'd listened to those songs that i DLed more beforehand. i did know a couple. but he was so incredibly funny.. the audience ate it up. he was really solid... great guitar player and singer as well. oh man at one point he was deciding what cover to do and started playing Pieces of Me... the whole audience was cracking up. he started a verse, did a few lines, then skipped to the chorus... and of course at the "pieces, pieces, pieces of me" he did it all dramatic and breathy like A. tries to sound :P oh man it was freakin hilarious. then he started playing Sweet Home Alabama... people cheered but then after a few seconds he was like... dude, i'm just kidding. haha. anyways... he also gave some background about a couple songs.. the situations that inspired the songs. he certainly drops the F bomb a lot :P but its all good. he was definitely very entertaining. i'd go see him again for sure.

so that was my night. and somehow it is now Thursday again and i have to go back to I.A... weird. my parents are leaving tonight to go visit my sister in New Orleans for a few days. of course, most people's reaction would be "ooo nice, you get the house to yourself".... but then again, it wont seem any different at all, since i spend most of my time here at home by myself anyway. haha. so it wont seem any different than usual. ah well, its all good.

i might go to the open mic in Deptford tonight after i finish playing at I.A... maybe i'll even try to finish this song i started beforehand... though i dont know if that'll happen. blahhh ok, enough. its nice out and i'm going back outside. gotta take advantage of the sun/nice weather while it's still around.

charlotte martin, songwriting, music, concerts, family

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