
Sep 30, 2004 15:14

so yeah i got bored last night and figured out Reason Why on guitar... yay fingerpicking. i dont know why i am seemingly obsessed with this song... it is not my favorite one on the cd... its one of the more mainstream-ish sounding songs on the cd and i've been trying to get away from mainstream a bit. oh well. i think it sounds nice on guitar though... kind of like the lovely bonus acoustic song at the end of the cd that is just amazing (part of the lyrics are in my AIM profile). definitely a different vibe but i think i like it. umm so yeah i posted it at her board cause someone said they wanted to learn it (i have to finish typing up the tab.. blahh) so i guess i'll link to it here too in case anyone wants to hear... reason why (guitar version). hopefully i didnt go overboard with the hand taps (for back of a better term). i wasnt even thinking about it when i was doing it. oh well.

hmm what else... i went to Philly yesterday to hang out with Chris. we went to the art museum for about 2 hrs and then just kind of randomly walked around the city for awhile.. got something to eat.. then walked back to the speedline station and i went back home. it was fun... better than sitting around here all day like i wouldve done (and am doing today.. blah). though when i was on the way back on the train, i mustve had my head in the clouds or something cause i got off at the Haddonfield stop like an ass. yeah i have no idea why i did that. i got off and i was like... wait a minute, i didnt get on here, i got on at Woodcrest *blonde moment*. so i just turned right around and waited for the next train.. which came a few minutes later. it actually worked out well cause right when i walked back up, Graham (who is coming to visit tomorrow :P) called so i just walked away from the shady guy who was standing by the door and just went off by myself and talked until the train came... and until i got back to Woodcrest.. until i got to my car... and back on the highway.. haha. yeah it was a long convo but its all good. i just couldnt believe i got off at the wrong stop.... *duh*. i amuse myself.

i wanted to run today but it keeps raining on and off. i would go to the gym but i have to start getting ready to go at 4ish, and its 3 now... so that wouldnt be too wise. maybe i'll just run anyway and hope it doesnt rain.

umm i need something to do when G gets here.. cause theres nothing to do around here :D probably end up going back to Philly. maybe go see the orchestra on Saturday night... that reminds me, i need to get on the site to try to get some tickets. ok, enough babbling.

#, guitar, philly, stupid me, music, y

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