i wish you could have more than 3 icons on here. maybe i should make new ones instead of using this one and the beach all the time.

Sep 18, 2004 14:11

wow, its really time for some better weather. it has been overcast, gloomy, and raining on & off for the past 3-5 days, i'd say. its so depressing. it is also starting to feel more and more like fall. i'm not sure if this makes me happy or not. i do looovvvee summer but a little change is always nice, i guess. also, all the hot weather gets annoying in a sense, cause i dont like to walk/run around here when its so hot. just being outside for a few minutes is enough to make you get all sweaty.. ew. and of course, now its getting a bit cooler but is also raining, so i cant do anything outside anyway. ughh. oh well. i'm gonna head over to the gym again in a bit.

later tonight i get to babysit this cute little girl named Kara.. she's the daughter of one of the women my mom works with. and its funny... Christine (the mom) used to work as a waitress in this restaurant we used to go to all the time when i was in elementary school. we were never really good friends with her, but we'd talk to her when we'd go there. she was either in college or just out of college at that point. then a couple years ago, she got a job at my mom's school. i think it took a little time to put 2 and 2 together, since she has a different last name now. but she's really really nice, and Kara is just cute as a button. i think she's.. like.. 2? she's so happy and laughs all the time. maybe i'll bring my camera and take some pics of her.. haha

i was happy that this past Thursday i actually made some decent tips at I.A... funny, cause the week before, i made practically nothing. on both Thursday & Friday this week i made 20 bucks though.. not too bad i guess.. about average. i'll be there Sunday too. i need to practice some of the songs in that new book i got.... i played through them here at home once, but i'm skeptical to play them over there cause some of them are like standards i guess (fairly well-known) and i dont wanna hack my way through them and screw them up. i mean it doesnt matter if i screw up a bit on stuff that no one will know... but yeah. i keep telling myself i'm gonna practice that stuff at home but still havent done it yet.. haha. *makes mental note to work on that stuff tomorrow* i would today, but i'm gonna go to the gym shortly and then have to babysit later, so it looks like tonight is out.

later this week i get to see Rachael Yamagata in concert in Philly... yay. its awesome, cause at first i was all mad that i couldnt go... tickets were sold out. but i posted a message on her messageboard saying as much, and one girl emailed me a few weeks ago saying that the girl she was originally gonna go with couldnt go anymore, and would i like to go instead. woohoo. i mean who cares if i've never met the girl before.. she seems nice enough. she is meeting someone else there earlier for dinner or something.. i apparently have to be there too cause i have to get in with her or something? she said they do the ticketing weird there. i dont get it but oh well... i'll just show up whenever she says to. it should be a fun time. i hope they allow cameras. even if not, i'll smuggle mine in like i did when i saw Charlotte before.. muahaha. everyone kept asking me how i managed to sneak mine in :P

hmm what else... i dont know. oh yeah, this is kinda freaky. a few days ago, i was walking out to get the mail and randomly looked to the right to spot 2 praying mantsises gettin it on in this bush/plant/whatever. haha. i found this somewhat amusing and a rare occurence, so just to be weird, i went in and got the camera.. haha (i do have a picture if anyone really wants to see.. lol). then last night i was walking out to my car to leave and looked back in the same spot... and they were still there, but dead. isnt that freaky? eww. i randomly told my mom.. she asked where.. i went back to look and this morning theyre gone. weeiird. ok, enough with strange insect tales.

i.a., seasons/weather, rachael yamagata, movies, random, concerts

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