well, one of my friends i've known since the first day of kindergarten just had a baby girl yesterday (already has an adorable 3-yr. old) and then i also found out a day or 2 ago that one of my best friends from college, who was also my roommate for 2 years, is now expecting. craziness :)
dont get me wrong - i love kids (in small[ish] doses) ... i spent this past year working at an elementary school. but i just feel so far away/not ready for that whole stage of life, at least right now. i'm sure that'll eventually change. Cory and i talk about the subject now and then. he'd like to have kids (only 1 or 2) but in maybe 5ish years? we both agree that we want some time to travel and just enjoy our lives together before thinking of making any additions.. hehe.
i feel like i'm in the minority though. i know a lot of people my age are having kids and feel like theyre perfectly ready and whatnot. i don't know, just the fact that if you have a child, s/he is going to be dependent on you for their life is a lot to wrap your head around... and i've seen so many (what seem to be, in my opinion) neglectful parents (i observed lots of parent/child interractions standing out at bus duty every morning this past yr) that i think i'm just more attuned to that factor. plus, the whole pregnancy/childbirth thing still scares me, to be honest, though i know it must be bearable if society has managed to keep itself going for this long. haha.
yesterday Cory & i went for a little walk/run around here for maybe around 45 mins, which felt good. ever since our party happened, we both kinda cut back on exercising (not intentionally). we both had a cold (i got it a couple days after he did) so that kinda screwed things up for a bit. anyways, i've been feeling better for a couple days now so it was good to get out and do something yesterday. i'd like to either go walk/run or bikeride now but the weather says its supposed to rain. it keeps going from sunny to cloudy so i'm not sure what to expect. ah well.
well i guess i don't have much of interest to report. i've been working on trying to find another job - ideally one with a bit more responsibility/having to do with my area of interest/expertise. sadly i haven't been able to find many music ed. jobs, at least in this area. yesterday i applied for a PT music-teaching job at an elementary school - not sure what the days would be & if it would have benefits. but even with it being part-time, it might end up being more $ than i made this past year. sigh. i'm just going to keep looking. i also still would like to record a couple songs - ones i'm really, truly happy with - with the help of Cory's studio. if i can do that, i plan on sending them to that guy i met a year or 2 ago who works for Sony. i refuse to live my life knowing that i had such a great opportunity and just let it slip away. even if i send him some stuff and he says nope, sorry... then at least i'll have tried. i know i've said as much before in the past yr or so, but well, i guess i'll just have to keep saying it (to myself) until i actually do it.
ok, enough babbling. i think i'm gonna start the new book i got since i finalllyyyy finished "This Is Your Brain on Music." yay for reading.
EDIT: just got a call from a lady from the Clayton school district.... they want to interview me on Tuesday for the part-time music teacher position. hopefully i'll find out more then about days/hours and whether or not the job has benefits. she said i should be ready to show my piano proficiency (piece o'cake) and should show how i'd teach a song to a first grade class. shouldnt be too bad :) aaaaand the sky is starting to get dark & i just heard thunder. time to get goin...