rock climbing, movies, books, etc

Jun 20, 2008 14:13

Monday: solo walk/run
Tuesday: buy folding bike and ride maybe 5-6 miles? (guess)
Wednesday: walk/run around here with Cory
Thursday: rock climbing @ Go Vertical and a short bike ride around here w/Cory
today: ??? (something later when Cory's done work)

yay for exercise all week.

Cory has asked me before about going rock climbing (indoors) so yesterday we went. we first tried to go to Vertical Reality in Cherry Hill but once we got there we discovered their hours were pretty dumb (6-10pm? gay) so instead we drove over to Philly to go to a place he'd been to before there. apparently the place we ended up going was the better of the 2 places and had higher walls. here are some pictures of the place from the website:

he said i did pretty well. the only other time i'd done anything like it was back in middle school, i think it was, where wherever we went on our class trip had something like it, but a lot easier/not as high. i had fun and got all the way up to the top (40 feet) once... haha. maybe i'd do better the next time. today my arms and sides are really sore but in a good way. i didnt renew my membership yet for the gym this summer (i have to join as a dependent under one of les parents since i'm not taking classes) so it was a fun thing to do. not really much of an aerobic workout, at least not for me, but we did go for a bikeride later so that was good.


tonight we're doing something or other for dinner (last night Cory mentioned the idea of packing up some kind of little picnic dinner and biking somewhere around here to eat, but not sure if that will happen) and then at 9:30 we're going to go see Get Smart at United Artists in Washington Twshp. i went and picked up the tix this morning after taking my car to the Hyundai dealer for an oil change. speaking of movies, the last 2 we've watched (erm.. rented) have been Jumper (interesting... liked it... easy to follow) and then we watched A Bug's Life last night since i'd never seen it. hehe

on a random note, i was listening to XPN earlier (as usual), and today theyre doing a whole 'mixtape' (if such can be done via radio) of summer songs which theyre playing all day :) and their Friday Free-at-Noon concert was Yael Naim (the girl who sings the 'New Soul' song that was on the AirBook commercial) and Carly Simon. i was listening to Yael on the drive home and wow, she was great. she was perfectly on pitch the whole time and sounded just as good, if not better, than on her album. she does a really great, slow-burning cover of Toxic that does the song just as much, or more, justice than Britney's original version. heh


-right as school/work was getting out, i was reading/finishing up A Wedding in December by Anita Shreve. i've read just about everything she's written (i couldn't really get into The Weight of Water for some reason) and have loved every book.
-2 weekends ago we went to Barnes & Nobles and i bought 4 books. the first one i read & finished last weekend was best-seller The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, a Brazilian writer. it read kind of like a parable and was kind of philosophical and reminded me of something i might've read in a highschool or college English class. it talked about such things as realizing your Personal Legend and learning the Language of the World. interesting book. not the type of thing i usually read, but it was enjoyable.
-i am currently working on Anita Shreve's newest book called Body Surfing, which i am enjoying. next up after that i have David Sedaris' new one, When You Are Engulfed in Flames, which is apparently not getting such good reviews... and then what looks to be an interesting non-fiction book i came across called This Is Your Brain on Music.
-i still haven't gotten to read The Architecture of Happiness that i bought a couple months ago....
OH and then yesterday Cory & i were listening to NPR and heard an interview with the author of this book, Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About You, which sounds like something i'd enjoying sinking my metaphorical teeth into. i think i might buy it....

well, guess thats it for nowwww

rock climbing, yael naim, movies, music, books, cory

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