(no subject)

Nov 28, 2007 22:17

this is what happens when i have probably have things to do but can't think of them/don't want to even try to remember them.

1. What is your best friend's Dad's name? ...?
2. Have you had sex in the past 48 hours? 5th
3. Who was the hottest teacher you ever had? your mom. she taught me everything i ever needed to know
4. Have you ever made out in a movie theater? not sure about made out... but a simple kiss? probably
5. What body part do you wash first? umm.. i don't know
6. Do you have any piercings? ears, and thats it *shudders @ tongue piercings & ones in other strange locations*
7. Is your driveway steep? not in the least bit
8. What's your favorite flavored Pringles? no idea, i don't usually eat them (or regular chips, even, really)
9. Have you ever been tied up? do handcuffs count?
10. What are you listening to? nothing at all, sadly. with 3 hours of piano playing and listening to Lily Allen in the car, i think i've fulfilled my quota
11. What did you just eat? nothing. hmm maybe i should eat some dinner.
12. Have you ever kissed more then one person in one night? in college... not anymore!
13. How many times have you been cursed at? how would someone actually be able to answer this accurately? ...yeah
14. Which shoe do you put on first? whichever one i pick up first i guess?
15. How old are you? 1/4 of a century
16. Have you ever been to a gay bar? not that i'm aware of
17. Have you ever had any Friends with Benefits? is that really a proper noun? anyway. umm yeah i guess. but not anymore!
18. Ever laughed so hard you pissed on yourself? eww no
19. Did you French kiss before you were 16? hahah... no. my first kiss was 17 and in Europe though...... so take that
20. Have you ever been cow-tipping or Frogging? not so much
21. Who is the last person you usually think about before you fall asleep? hmm take a wild guess! (hint: theyre usually laying right next to me)
22. Have you ever had a song written about you? poems, yes (haha.. oh, unrequited love of highschool). song? not sure
23. If you had to choose to not ever wash your bed sheets or towels again which one would you choose? definitely towels. at least youre clean when you get out of the shower, so air drying should suffice. sheets.. umm... yeah they need to be washed :P
24. Have you ever walked in on anyone having sex? kinda/sorta in college, but i don't think i really saw anything. i was coming back from some kind of break/vacation, tried coming into my room, and got the boot from my roommate who asked if i could come back in like an hour. i think i went to Blair and friggin played the piano or something. such a fun year... good times
25. What was your childhood nickname? Eriewinkles...... coined by Melinda in 6th grade library class after watching the Fairywinkles commercial on tv. lol. that and Er, Erie, Gib... i guess thats it.
26. When is the last time you played the air guitar? why play air guitar when you can play the real thing? ;)
27. Have you ever peeked in the opposite sexes locker room? doubt it. p.s. - sexes doesn't have an -es there.
28. What's the weirdest thing you have done while driving? hmm... i've probably donned/disgarded some item of clothing at some point (many times in parking lots). i'm also an expert at doing my makeup while driving (obviously while the car is stopped is preferable). i never have enough time in the morning...
29. Have you ever bitten your toenails? umm... that is really disgusting. i can't even bite my fingernails... ick
30. How do you normally eat your Oreo cookies? in one piece, dipped in milk (if available)
31. Name something you do when you're alone that you wouldn't do in front of others. talk in a pretty realistic British accent? i do it all the time in the car. and sometimes to Cory. and i would totally do it in front of some people so i guess that doesnt count, but oh well.
32. How many drinks does it take before you get drunk? red wine? if i haven't eaten anything in awhile, not much at all. i get very silly :P
33. Why are you doing this survey? i thought i already explained. it kinda sucked but oh well! no one else posted anything better so there.

hmm, a bunch of questions were deleted i just had to fix the numbers and i started out with 37 and ended with 33, post-editing. grrr why do people delete questions? that's no fun.

mmkay, guess i should think of something productive to do. or perhaps just eat something light and then actually get to bed early for once *yawn*

tonight i made $41 in tips. an old guy sat right next to the piano and asked if i had a cd. i told him i recorded a different kind of cd (3 songs.. ha) a few years ago but didn't have one of just the kind of piano music i play there. he said if i ever make one, consider him first on the list. aww. before leaving he shook my hand and slipped me a 20. guess there are still some nice, appreciative people left around here :)

:), i.a., random, nothing

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