
May 04, 2007 17:50

borrwed from memyselfeye:

it scares me how many women want to look like the girls in the magazines.

does everyone over look the fact that they are digitally altered photos, and most of the time of starved models?

does nobody like food anymore? does nobody realize that if you DON'T eat food your body just stores the small amounts you do eat thus making you look bigger?

does everyone forget the fact that FOOD TASTES GOOD and not eating is obviously not going to make you "beautiful", and that if you have to be rail thin TO be "beautiful", you are being "beautiful" for the WRONG people and reasons?

do people forget that "beautiful" does not have a template? that it comes from within and how you look on the outside only really matters to people who are shallow?


minor life update:

earlier today after work i drove up to Mt. Laurel (again) for an interview of sorts. long story short, a personal friend of my uncle's works for Commerce in the collateral/loans department and told him she's always looking for new people who are good with computers/are bright & creative/etc. so i think hm, i'm good with computers and would give almost anything to do something else than what i'm doing now. so i email her and send a resume and whatnot, and she sets up a time to come up there. of course i dont meet with her (she's apparently pretty high up and manages like 60-90 people).

so i go for this interview and find that theyve created a new position for someone to essentially do data entry for like 2-6 months (however long it takes to get all the info over). they just switched systems and need someone to input all the old loan info into the new system (hmm.... Office Space anyone? at times i had to keep from laughing to myself at the similarities). yeah it would be a job in a little cubicle-ish area, working on a computer all day. a bit of a pay raise, but longer hours. i currently work 9-3 which is pretty sweet.... this would be 8-4:30/8:30-5 (they alternate every week). a little more money, longer hours (which would equal more PTO time).... sounds incredibly easy and stressfree but also incredibly boring. though after all the data is entered in, the person would have more tasks or a new/customized position would be created.

i dont even know yet if theyre going to offer it to me, but i'm not sure what to do. on one hand, i'm incredibly bored of doing what i've been doing for the past 2 years..... and on the other hand, data entry sounds fucking boring as well.... so i just dont know. blahhhh. hopefully i'll finish this whole teaching course and will maybe be able to find a teaching job that would at least feel rewarding. its the least i deserve. asdfjasdfjkalsjfdlkjsaf.

last night was Cory's last exam for a really friggin hard math class (yeah, i have no idea what anything means). i knew he was stressed so after playing at IA, i asked the bartender for a suggestion of a nice red, stopped at ShopRite and picked up some dark chocolate and also Snickers ice cream bars (couldnt decide which to get, so why not get both??) and drove up to Stratford as a surprise. i'd said to call when the test got over, but that didnt happen. i half expected to get there and have him not be home yet. but anyway i ring the doorbell (something i never do) and he gets to the door with a glass of red already in hand, half drunk and very happy/silly. we did open the bottle i brought but i think i was the only one who ended up drinking from that one. chocolate didnt even get eaten... we'll have to get to that tonight. but umm, i hadnt eaten anything since lunch so needless to say, even half a glass went right to my head and we were silly and danced in the little studio with the fog machine going and the fun colorful disco light things and um yeah. good times. good thing i had a red sweater on to wear for Friday at work (we have to wear red on fridays) so i just stayed there. i'm going back over in a bit to do who the hell knows what.

i got my hair cut/trimmed yesterday just to fix the ends up and whatnot. i'd hoped she'd keep the length the same but just make the layers much more exagerrated, but it looks like the length of everything just got brought up a bit. its not that noticable (no one at work noticed)... not sure if thats good or bad? oh well... i can notice it. heh. i wish i could cut my own hair (well) so i could do it just the way i want it.

what else? Cris is home for a HS friend's wedding... she got home last night and will leaving tomorrow afternoon, and i'll probably only see her for a couple hours tomorrow if that. ha. mom is ok and is home from the hospital again... good.

lalalala. i still feel like i'm hardly ever here and have no time to do anything, such as straighten up or send things back to certain people that i shouldve done forever ago or just read or relax/take a nap/etc.

i'm listening to Elvis Perkins.... pretty boring. i think i'm deleting this album. ok, bye.

#, hmm, family, cory, work

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