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Mar 12, 2007 17:45

brief life update:

-it's getting nicer out - yayyyy. it better keep up...
-LOVE having the extra hour of light at the end of the day
-Friday night on has been sooo nice... lots of time spent with C. mmm :) will be there later tonight as well and am staying over
-more about that later maybe?
-i hardly listened to any music last week... wtf?
-i found someone in NJ selling a Lomo LC-A+, pretty much brand new/hardly used for $200 - and i decided to go for it. sent $ via Paypal this mornign and i think it is being shipped today. soooooo excited. and its 35mm film, which i can just shoot and take to like CVS or something, and then scan negatives. word. that'll bring me to an unofficial total of 6 cameras. Canon DSLR (rebel xt), Canon Elph (little point & shoot), Holga, LC-A+, and my parents' 2 old film SLRs (Canon AE-1 and a Pentax SP-500 ... at least i think thats the numbers? maybe its 600? great camera nonetheless). havent really used theirs, but should. right.
-watched Farce of the Penguins last night - HILARIOUS. please do yourself a favor and see it.... unless youre easily offended, that is... in which case, definitely DON'T see it. i had no idea Bob Saget had that kind of a sense of humor... wow. i didnt know he did the script til the end and could hardly believe it. soooooo funny though.......
-i'm like seriously addicted to Tropicana OJ. it's really pretty funny. but hey, at least its that and not drugs or alcohol.
-i'll be 25 in a little over 2 weeks... wtf?
-last week i realized how much i collapse the one joint on 2 of my fingers when i play the piano (left pinky, right ring finger). not good. Sweigart made me aware of the ring finger one in college, but i realized that i do it almost constantly with the left pinky. i'm really trying to be aware of it now and make a conscious effort to fix it. i'm sure i also do all kinds of things wrong with my wrists too. i love how neither of my 2 teachers i had in high school ever really worked on actual technique with me :) lovely.
-the piano at I.A. *better* have gotten tuned/fixed last Friday... i called and set up the appt myself since no one there does it. ha. he better have fixed those 2 keys that were stuck. SO annoying
-i wish i could go to the gym or walk/run every day. but at least its getting nicer out, which means increasingly more opportunities to get up early and walk/run. love it. the only days each week that i can consisently go work out are the weekends. oh well!
-i kind of feel like i only live here half the time lately.... but i love spending time at my kinda/sorta 2nd home. hehehehe. mmm :)

well i'm running on about 4.5 hours of sleep. i should attempt to accomplish a few things around here that didnt get done yesterday (thanks to.. yes you guessed it... me leaving and spending time with a certain person :) and not getting home til oh, 2:30ish AM)... and then maybe nap for a little bit and then i'm heading out to hang out/make dinner/watch 24/possibly play music/have a lovely time in general

:) :) :)

:), seasons/weather, movies, random, photography, cory

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