just checking in.

Feb 06, 2007 23:07

rather cute/amusing IM convo snippet from Sunday :) (barring one slight miscommunication). why do i save IM convos???

Dvorak4672: HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dvorak4672: :-)
Dvorak4672: I'm in a very chipper mood
Dvorak4672: (don't know why)
efg7: yayyy thats good
Dvorak4672: but why fight it :P
efg7: 'zactly
Dvorak4672: what are you up to?
efg7: not much.... going through the pics i (well, we :P) took of Mason on Friday
efg7: hehe
efg7: messing around in PS with some of them
Dvorak4672: sounds like fun
Dvorak4672: anything good so far?
efg7: i uploaded this so far... http://www.flickr.com/photos/ericagibson/379407434/
efg7: i've done others but didnt put anything else up yet
efg7: its so weird though.... for as happy & smiley as he was, most of the ones i got are really serious
efg7: oh well
Dvorak4672: look at those eyes though........
Dvorak4672: you good for meeting me at sam ash at 6??
Dvorak4672: then I
Dvorak4672: 'll
Dvorak4672: drive
Dvorak4672: us
Dvorak4672: to
Dvorak4672: manayunk
efg7: o
efg7: k
efg7: :P
Dvorak4672: so.. how are you????
Dvorak4672: ohhh.. If you get here a little early... I can show you the super awesome thing I'm going to get in 3 weeks
efg7: ooo ok
Dvorak4672: laaaaaaa laaaaaaaaaaaaaa laaaaaaaaa... so happy :-)
efg7: :)
Dvorak4672: you???
Dvorak4672: huh?
Dvorak4672: erica?
efg7: bueller?
efg7: :P
efg7: i'm ok... kinda cold (big surprise)... but ok i guess. it'll be nice to see you later
Dvorak4672: I can't pass on my ebullience to you through IM!!! I need you in person.... I can be infectious :-)
efg7: you certainly can
Dvorak4672: (I love how we both bust out a good vocab word regularly)
efg7: indeed
efg7: i said something randomly on Friday... what was it... ameliorate? something like that
Dvorak4672: yeah.. I noticed :-) we both do it pretty often (we are smart)
Dvorak4672: :-P
efg7: yep
Dvorak4672: however... you are smart.. and sexy!!!!!
Dvorak4672: :-D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (for me)
efg7: youre smart, cute, can cook well, and many other things... so :P
Dvorak4672: yeah.. I guess... I always get that "cute" but I always hear girls call other guys "hot" but I don't think I'm that attractive to girls... I never get that.........I wish someone would find me sexy sometimes :-\
efg7: oh jeez
efg7: shall i rephrase?
Dvorak4672: no..... rephrasing won't help..... especially having just told you that!!!
Dvorak4672: nevermind
efg7: i just meant theyre kind of synonomous (sp??)... so never mind the terminology... i think youre rather attractive.... call it whatever you want
efg7: blahh... everything i say always comes across wrong on here
Dvorak4672: nah.. it wasn't you... just making an observation about myself
*nothing for a few mins* :(
Dvorak4672: since I have a piano now.. I'm going to go ApeShit on the copier :-)
efg7: hahaha
Dvorak4672: I should make a binder like you have
efg7: i love how you capitalized apeshit :P
efg7: if you find anything interesting... namely that would be good/fun to play at a certain Italian restaurant on Wednesday & Thursday nights.... feel free to copy
Dvorak4672: absolutely!!!!!
Dvorak4672: for you
Dvorak4672: anything :-)
Dvorak4672: can't wait till you get here :-)
efg7: ditto
Dvorak4672: everyonw I work sith said you very cute and nice!
Dvorak4672: with
Dvorak4672: =
Dvorak4672: with
Dvorak4672: sith
efg7: hahahah
Dvorak4672: everyonw = everyone
efg7: i gotcha
Dvorak4672: (did I get any words right in that sentace?)
efg7: hahaaahaha
efg7: you crack me up

...and what else do i do when i'm bored other than upload music???

fun fun fun (i promise)

The Law of Diminishing Returns
Everyone Get Movin' - so catchy & addictive. perfect song for being stuck in a traffic jam :)
It Must Be Love

random albums

A Girl Called Eddy (self titled).... i've probably posted this 3 or 4 times since i've had this journal.... but someone put in a request for it in one of the LJ music communities, and since she's one of my favs, i felt obliged to upload it again. one of my favorite albums ever, so feel free to have a listen if you'd like? i probably don't need a description since i've typed pretty much the same one every time before. haha

Sarah Harmer - All of Our Names .... this has a winter-ish feel to me... probably just because i bought this album during winter of my senior year of college, and i have very distinct memories of sitting in my little room next to a cold window, feeling the chill seep in, and listening to this. also random memories like sneaking over the railroad tracks in the snow by myself and just humming these songs on the way back from my car. so yeah... most of it is what i guess would be considered acoustic-based folk, with other sparse parts (some nice cello parts, wurlitzer, backing vocals, drums, etc etc) added in. some fast, some slow. mellow and nice :) enjoy

Guster - Ganging Up on the Sun.... this is for picturian. i actually found a zip that someone else had already uploaded, so it saved me the trouble of doing so. you can upzip .zip files on a Mac, right? if not, i can send you the files through AIM if you'd like. this is their latest album.

what does anyone else want to hear? i have so much stuff, i don't know where to start.

what else? i hate how i hardly ever say anything on here anymore. i should type more often. anyway. a certain person whose name starts w/C makes me very happy and i like spending as much time together as possible. ha, listen to me... :P it's nice though. i think we're pretty much perfect together. i'm going to Florida in what, 18 days now? just 4 days, but it'll be GREAT. as of now, it will just be me. C leaves a day or 2 after me for Utah, skiing w/friends for a week. at least we'll be away for some of the same days, which might make it a litttttle easier. also going to FL in April for Easter.... he is coming as well. exact same flight on the way back, and our flights down are 20 mins apart :) can't wait to get down there and soak up the sunnnn. mmm, so tired already of this friggin freezing arctic weather. it kind of hurts to be outside :( i wanna get back on track with waking up early to go walk/run outside, and i'm definitely not doing it when its in the 20s or teens out (yeah Tom, i give you a lotttt of credit :P). ughh. boooo to the northeast.

hmm lets see if i can briefly touch on anything from that list i made on here, oh what was it... a week or so ago?? man, i suck.

Friday - oh right... 2 Fridays again was splendidddd. laziest night ever. we went looking at some furniture at some little junky place though it was kinda fun. then went and spent maybe an hour in Barnes & Noble, just browsing around/being cute/looking through lots of stuff. so nice to be w/someone who actually likes just walking around that store and looking at lots of things, like i do ♥ :) then went and got some dinner at Boston Market... mmmm. it was extremely cold in there due to some kind of malfunction with the heater, but the food was still yummy. came back here and just did who knows what for a bit. went looking for my copies of Ferris Bueller and also The Odyssey and couldnt find EITHER (grrr, lots of frustration... not funny :P). eventually ended up both just laying on my bed for like 2 hours... just laying there and staring at each other and half falling asleep. sounds boring but it was sooooo nice and really amazing. 3 certain words were whispered by said party and returned. :) eventually went downstairs and i was introduced to sudoku, and now i'm kinda hooked. stayed up til like 1:30/2am trying to finish this one rated 5 stars. we couldnt get it, so he took it with him and went home and was determined to finish it. i get a text @ 3am saying to check myspace :P of course i wait til the morning, and there it was, a pic of the solution. ha. but yeah... umm, amazing night.
Tappen sie Bridge? - funny incident with Stu Kennedy's blog. i'll just copy & paste what he wrote: "At this time, New York City was a thing of distant promise. The closest I ever came to it was crossing the Tappan Zee Bridge. (All foreign names sound strange, but some part of my mind still insists on hearing it as a rhetorical question posed in mangled German: "Tappen Sie Bridge?")" ok, i laughed so hard at that, out loud, upon initially reading. maybe just because i can TOTALLY hear him saying that out loud and picture the face he would make. i think its just one of those things where you have to know the person that typed it. also, i consulted Babelfish and the verb 'tappen' is something like to grope/fondle? haha, hilarious.
that face lotion - silly topic, but yeah, i found these 2 face lotions my mom has... the kinds that are supposed to minimize wrinkles/fine lines/signs of aging/whatever the hell they claim. now i'm just about to hit the quarter century mark so i obviously don't have a LOT to worry about in said department, but i do have some slight early signs of things. so anyway, something made me curious enough to try them together, and wow, i definitely think it makes me look a couple years younger... i know that sounds funny, but yeah. cool?
gym for even just 2 days = good - oh right, dumb topic again. but yeah, for 2 weeks now i've mused on how funny/great it is that just 2 trips to the gym on 2 consecutive days can make such a big difference, taking you from feeling all "ewww" to "wow, i feel pretty toned now". maybe its mental but well, both weeks i noticed the same thing. schön.
sudoku = fun - yeah, already got to that. insert stupid anecdote about doing sudoku at work here, and having the book taken away. bastards.
snow - umm, why did i mention this? we havent gotten that much, really. wish it would just either snow a whole lot, which would make this frigidness at least a bit more interesting, or just get nicer again. kthxbye.
24 - have watched for 3 weeks in a row, now. Monday night has become "eat dinner & watch 24 @ Cory's" night. love it :) actually stayed there last week & brought my work clothes and left for work from there Tuesday morning. mmm
chinese place - some good place i went to w/the 'rents up right near the Ritz movie theather in the general Haddonfield/Cherry Hill-ish area 2 weekends ago. the wonton soup was AMAZING and the meat inside was actually shrimp and not the usual pork. yummmmmm so good. wish the place was around where i work. i would go get that soup like once a week for lunch. mmm
Charlie/Al Riccardi/wow, there are some nice people in the world - eh, i'll do this one later. don't feel like typing anymore.
undoubtably something else - yep, probably.

well, i guess that's it for now. at least this was better than nothing?

p.s.- note to self: stop wanting/buying swedish fish. youre trying to get in better shape, not worse. duh. note to self #2: work on writing some new songs, you big idiot (!!!!)

seasons/weather, convos, travel, music, cory

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