
May 08, 2004 00:15

tonight is my last night here :( i'm going to miss this room. i said that last night, but ah well.. be it as it may. i didnt get to take pics before packing up stuff, but all my posters are still up, so if nothing else, i'll get some pics of those. it looks really bare in here now :( and lots of dustbunnies on the floor. i'm just leaving them there for now.. cause well, if i start vacuuming now, my allergies will kick up.

i'm so torn about the whole graduation thing. on one hand, i am really relieved to be finished with classes, though the fact that i'm finished hasn't really sunken in yet. perhaps in a few days. but i will really miss my friends, but just as importantly (maybe even more?) i'll miss my professors. yeah call me a dork, i dont care. but i've been really lucky to have had such great professors... most of them are just such great people. tonight there was a reception at Dr. Pollick's place for all the seniors - there were lottttsss of people there - but anyway, some profs where there as well. Dr. Scott, my German professor, was randomly walking around and walked near me and came and sat down next to me to just talk about stuff/life in general. and i havent had that class in 2 years but it didnt matter. i liked that class... he was so entertaining.. smart.. great teacher and person. aside from my flute teacher, he was the only professor who came to my recital this year. well.. thats probably because it was snowing like the world was going to end that night. i'm surprised as many people were there as there were. but that was just so nice of him to come. i got to tell him tonight. i'd felt guilty before, every time i saw him in passing, cause i kept forgetting to talk to him. but yeah, he was so nice.. i was just like awwww

then i got to chat with Billings again and my parents were talking to him as well. another of my favorite professors... he's just so personable.. so..... human. we've had some great discussions in that class *sigh* i've gotta stop obsessing over this stuff and thinking about all the wonderful people i'll have to leave behind. that reminds me, before i go to bed tonight, i want to send out an email to all my professors saying thanks so much, and also giving out my new email address since my LVC one will expire. (the new one is, if anyone is wondering. yeah, real original, i know :P).

so yeah.. and then tomorrow we'll all head home and i'll have the summer ahead of me. no official plans yet, as i've had to tell to 2856910473 people who have asked what i'm doing when i get out of here. its funny, whereas with some degrees (namely education), your degree is like your ticket to getting your job right off the bat (theres a direct path, more or less), things are so open for me. i'm not sure what i'll do. i know what i'd like to do, but we'll see.

speaking of which.... tonight at the reception, mom was telling me about something she got me and mentioned it as a 'small graduation present' (or something like that) in addition to my main/big one. this got me wondering. i can think of a few possibilities of what it could be:
1) news that that guy from the new studio who i gave a cd to (through Mr. Mixon, my guitar teacher), is interested in having me do some recording (that'd be great... i've been checking my email nonstop since he got my cd.. though maybe he called home since i left that number..)
2) a new car?? or at least the prospect of getting one? i've had my little red 98 Neon for 5 years and while it has been a good little car, its noticably not as tight as it was before and all. my dad talked last summer about looking into getting me something. then there was the promise that if i get myself a fulltime job with decent $, he'll buy me a new car. so we'll see
3) new guitar? this was supposed to be for my birthday, actually, but they wanted to hold off a bit, since i didnt have much time to look around.
4) $$$ (?)
or maybe i'm just way way off and am its something little. which would be fine as well. i'm not picky.

wow i've typed a lot. i'll stop here for now. i'm getting tired so i'll type that email to my profs (definitely doing a collective one), pack up a little more stuff, and then get to bed i guess. no wild partying for me. yeah i know youre surprised :P but yeah i've been up since 6am. Erica is tired.

goodbye college :'( it's been, among other things, fun.

p.s.- oh yeah, i didnt write about the things i said i would last night. i'll do it tomorrow.

p.p.s- happy birthday, Ctaci (if you see this). i still have that cd.. agh! i didnt forget. i'll try send it along when i get home (tomorrow). though i'll admit, i didnt really listen through it much. i bought it originally cause i listened to some of the tracks really briefly in one of those listening booth things at Tower and thought the production was cool. i'll give it another listen... if i like it, i'll rips songs to my computer and then send it (but shhh, i didnt say that, right?) ;)

school, :(, lvc, hmm

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