(no subject)

Apr 26, 2004 01:38

well, here we are once again.... Sunday night and Erica hasnt written anything yet for her comp. independent study, for which i have to meet with Dr. Eggert at 10:30 tomorrow. aghhhh. i think i might just sleep for like 2 hrs and then get up and work on it then. i hate doing this. i cant wait til school is over. i think i'm ready for it to be over. like for high school, i was all 'i cant wait to be out of here.. i wont cry at graduation, etc' and then of course i ended up bawling like a baby at the end. but i've gone though 16 years of formal education - thats a lot - i think i'm ready for no more classes and homework. its weird... i go through this cycle... when i'm at school i'm always thinking that i cant wait for summer so i can relax and do whatever... and then as soon as summer starts, i revel in the freedom for about the first week, and then quickly get bored and wish i was back at school with things to do. this ALWAYS happens. but i'm just so tired of doing work for classes i dont care about, not having time to do things that i both do and dont want to do, and just the whole thing in general. its not good for my mental health. most of the times i'm not really happy. i need the summer to get back on track and get in shape and just become a happier person. hopefully i'll look back and read this during the summer when i wish things were different and realize that i'm lucky to have things be the way they are, then. blahhhh

ok so yeah this weekend passed and i essentially wasted the time away working on some project that i dont really have to do.. i just started it and got really into it. i do this occasionally - start working on something and then it practically consumes my life for a bit... though i think its a subconscious ploy to just avoid my work. anyways its a long story but i randomly decided i was going to do a cover of this song, using all MIDI and then guitar and vocals.. haha. i practically recreated the whole thing and it sounds just like the original. and i added some cool ambient stuff to the beginning and end to enhance the mood... ocean waves, distant chimes, etc. i'm almost finished it. blahhh.

i'm definitely gonna have a case of the Mondays tomorrow. i feel like watching Office Space, dammit. anyways there are a whole bunch of little things i need to get done before the end of the semester and i just keep putting them out of my mind and i cant bring myself to start anything. i hate this. this is why i need to be finished with school. ok enough. time to sleep for a few hours and then get to work on this junk. asldjflajsdlf;jasdf

oh yeah.. and i was thinking earlier.. its funny how you can really think you have a certain person/situation/etc figured out, and then you realize you were completely wrong. for instance, i was almost positive that 2 people who i know were going out, just by watching the way they interracted from across the room and random encounters of the like. and then as i'm walking to class, i see the girl holding hands with another guy. hmmm. granted that was one example but nonetheless... still pertinent in other situations as well.

procrastination, school, stupid me, lvc, blahh, office space

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