Aug 11, 2007 20:39
Well, I learned something new today. The Saginaw police department closes on the weekend. I tried calling and got stuck on an infinite automated directory loop. It kept saying to stay on the line or push 0 to be connected to an operator who could direct my call, and, no matter what, the recording just started back over again. I had to call 911 and said I didn't know if my call was an emergency per se, but there was something wrong with the police phone systems. The 911 operator said, "no, there's nothing wrong. They're closed." What the hell?
So, an inquisitive person might ask, "why was Mindi calling the police?"
It all started with homework. Mercedes has a giant test for summer school on Wednesday and Thursday. She is required to study for one hour per day. We got through half an hour of the easy stuff (geometry) and then we were going to work on fractions which she hates. She started complaining, so I said we could take a little break but not too long because it was already 5pm. That set everything off. Nothing new there.
A little backtrack: She has a new therapist. I tried to tell her everything that has been going on including removing everything from her bedroom and the violence and lying that has been going on. My big question was: What am I supposed to do if I am being beat up while making sure she stays in her room and stays safe during a tantrum. I have resorted to standing outside her door and holding the door when she starts to hit me, but I know I can't do that.
The therapist's answer was to call the police the first time she hits, not threaten, just do it. So began the whole phone ordeal. After I called 911, I knew my call wasn't a priority. No one was dying so I figured it would be a little while. Well, an hour later and still nothing. Mercedes thought I was lying about calling and escalated the hitting and kicking. (She hasn't figured out yet that I don't lie and I do what I say I'm going to do.) I called 911 again (since the police station is closed on the weekends) and was told that there were no officers available but as soon as one was my call would get first priority. She couldn't even give me a rough time frame.
A full 3 hours after I first called, an officer showed up and started playing phone tag with the juvenille detention center and his sargent. He asked if I wanted her taken in, and I said that I thought that scaring her straight might work. I really don't want the mess of this getting into the court system if it can be avoided. I guess normally there's no choice in the matter with domestic violence calls, but because of her age he had a little leaway. He went up to her bedroom and gave her an official talking to and made it very clear that if the police were ever called out here again, she would be taken in and there would be no choice in the matter. He was here for about 25 minutes, and Mercedes has been very compliant since then. I have a feeling tomorrow will be back to more of the same.
We've had 2 full weeks of tempermental tantrum hell, and I don't think even the police are enough to stop it. I won't hesitate to call the police again if she hits. It may very well take a few nights in juvie for her to realize how good she has it.