Dec 16, 2004 13:33
Alright, who knows the answers to these questions on my US History AP Take home Test?
The Republican Party originated in the mid-1850s as a sectional party committed to which of the following?
a- opposition to the further extention of slavery in the territories
b- immediate emancipation of the slaves
c- Repeal of the whic economic policies
d- restriction of immigration
e- acknowledgement of popilar socereignty as the basis for organizing federal territories
The slave states that remained in the union included
a- missouri, kentucky, and virginia
b- delaware, kentucky, and tennesee
c- north carolina, tennessee, and arkansas
d- missouri, kentucky, and delaware,
e- south carolina, georgia, and alabama
Senator Stephen A Douglas maganged to engineer the Compromise of 1850 by
a- winning the edorsement of the President Zachary Taylor for th ecompromise
b- lettin the southern democrates dictate the terms of the compromise
c- securing passage fo the different parts of the compromise as seperate laws
d- threatening to remove political opponents from important congressional committees
e- a policy of conciliation for all factions
In the 1850's the movement known as "young America" hoped to
a- elect a president under 30 years of age
b-extend american democracy throughout the world
c-educate every american child
d- promote peace through education
E- organize an internal conference on tariff issues
just cant find those, i know there are some smart people out there that can figure it out... ok 1, 2, 3 go!