Jul 07, 2005 01:02
HI EVERYBODY. Livejournal is so over. and Myspace is the new Livejournal. Last night I spent 2 hours searching old friends from elementary school. THE End.
EDIT. My mistake, old friends that were lost in the past. No one I looked for was lost in my past. ANYWAYS, yeah, I love Nara. She's cool. SCOOGY SCOOGY.
AND I just wanted to say junior year was fun and I'm not going back next year. I'll be there for Cancun, and people can visit me and I'll buy you alcohol and cigarettes just contact me.
I want to be the neighborhood crackwhore. Only instead of selling my body, I sell my first born child. and instead of doing crack, its weed. ALL drugs are illegal anyways. That's why soda should be illegal.
FINIS. And I'm not drunk!!!, I'm typing with proper capital letters and punctuation!