Jan 22, 2005 22:53
My Favorite Commercials:
10. Starbucks singing commercials, the one with Stacey and her drinking problem. She drinks away her problems so she doesn't have to tend to the tension in work. Go caffeine.
9. I'm not sure what this man was advertising but he was on a treadmill and all of the sudden it stops and then reverses and the poor man's balls are crushed. Then he is knocked off it into a bookshelf.
8. The Got Milk commercial when a guy had fired someone and then got hit by a car. He had no milk for his cookies. This is why we don't talk and walk at the same time and expect not to get hit by something.
7. A baby danced for the Hagan Daas ice cream. I don't know why I remember this. The baby did a cartwheel. I was impressed.
6. Ebay commercial with the lost boat and it is found again by the red head boy thirty years later. The ocean is a cruel device for making a profit on Ebay.
5. Anti-drug commercial with the white girl that hits the white guy and kills him. He follows her everywhere after that. It taught me that a white girl can get away with so much, but mentally, so little.
4. Red Bull. He had no winger!!! I actually don't know why this is on it. It opened a door for me: that if I drink 3 a day for a week, I'm bound to crash for 17 hours that Friday night.
3. When Degrassi had its last few episodes, The N kept replaying the promo where Rick takes a gun to school and attempts to shoot people. I don't know why a promo made it on the list, it was such an emotional promo.
2. Ebay sing-a-long commercials. DUDDDE, I memorized these songs. Fat black men are all the rage. Especially when they sing about a jar they got with the money they saved from buying a car.
1. This is a good one: Sylvan Learning Commercials. Tearjerker. I wish I could give my mother a good report card and make her cry on her birthday. I also wish I didn't wet the bed at night. Can't have everything though.