Stolen from
shia_o_shima Name: Spike, though if the right characters were ever picked up, I figure he'd answer to William or William the Bloody.
Gender: Male
Zodiac Sign/Birthday/Age: 136 years old
Occupation: Being sexy
Alignment: He's a bad, bad, bad, bad man.
Sexuality: He's just sexual. Male, female, both, neither, demon... yeah, he'll probably do ya.
Weapon: Fangs, unnatural strength.
Hair: Short, gelled, platinum blond.
Physical traits: He's about average height with platinum blond hair. Cheekbones of a god. Nice ass. Also, he's British because that totally counts as a physical trait. Sometimes.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything at all. Feel free to be bitchy to him, too, because he's going to be bitchy back. Mentioning love at him will get him to wax poetically at you about Drusilla, and mentioning parents will make him pout about his mommy issues, but whatever. Oh, and he'll wangst about the slayer and Angelus's ~betrayal~ sometimes too if you say the wrong thing, but don't let that stop you! >_>
Abilities: Wooing. Jedi mind trickiness. The ability to turn a human into a vampire, naturally (I will assume no one has given permission for this to happen - or to, you know, be killed - unless I can find a permission's post or you say something OOC, so no worries about liberties being taken). Is nimble and quick as a cat. Can get it up again faster than some bleeding human boy.
Notes for the Psychics/Aura Readers: I've never talked to any of the psychics/aura readers, so I'm not sure what this is asking. D: Um, if you can read his mind, on any given day, you'll see bad memories from when he was human, wangst about Dru, wangst about Angel, hatred for Buffy, or the lust to kill or... something?
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Please, do whatever you want. If a shapeshift/bodyswap happens without my knowing first, I'll roll with it and will probably lol, but a giving me a head's up for something so drastic as those things would be cool.
Maim/Murder/Death: Maiming or injuring Spike in any way is fine by me; you don't have to ask first. Do whatever you want, no seriously. Just please ask my permission first before killing him, but it's not out of the question.
Hugging/Kissing/Other Non-Violent Physical Contact: Physical contact of any sort is always good in Spike's book, though a hug might get you laughed at and simultaneously called cute.
1.Top or Bottom?: AHAHAHA both. So whatever way you want to swing, baby.
2.Spit or Swallow?: Swallow. Unless he just feels like pissing you off.
3. Abstinence?: Blasphemy.
4. Kinks: Stating bloodplay here would just be a given, right? Uh, rough sex in general, restraints, pretty much anything classified "light BDSM" (more for my comfort than Spike's >_>), but he won't turn down... pretty much anything, yeah, he's gonna be for it.
5. Favorite Position: All of them. My answers are very general. :| Dammit. Spike is a ho, okay?
6. How they like it: Up the bum. Fast. Hard. Adventurous. Anything that will amuse him and get his rocks off. He will probably laugh at you at some point. >:D
For the love of God, please be legal if you want to do a porn thread with Spike. I don't want to peddle text porn to minors, even if Creepy Uncle Spike might be IC DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: