Doctor/Rose Fanmix - Holograms On Street Corners

Mar 27, 2008 20:29

I started this right after I finished my last fanmix, knowing I wanted to show a look at the Doctor and Rose separated, but with a hopeful outlook on being reunited one day. Then came that wonderful news and this became so much more. It was actually happening and all those songs I'd been gathering for the past few months were real and true to their ( Read more... )

music, doctor/rose, downloads, fanmix, doctor who icons, icons, doctor who

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Comments 59

unbrokensky March 28 2008, 02:39:50 UTC
Wow, this looks like an amazing fanmix! =D Thank you!


effulgent_girl March 28 2008, 03:00:33 UTC
Thanks! It was fun to make:)


svanderslice March 28 2008, 02:42:28 UTC
I LOVE fanmixes! And this one looks great. Thanks so much.


effulgent_girl March 28 2008, 03:01:14 UTC
You're welcome:)


another_myself March 28 2008, 02:47:03 UTC
GAH. <3


effulgent_girl March 28 2008, 03:01:41 UTC
Hee :D


k_puff March 28 2008, 03:00:10 UTC
Taking the .zip, thanks! ^_^


effulgent_girl March 28 2008, 03:02:27 UTC
Welcome :)


k_puff March 28 2008, 04:51:33 UTC
I just want to say, I think it's interesting that you chose the string quartet's version of "Yellow" when so many other people use Coldplay's version in their fanmixes, because the lyrics fit so well.

I think your choice is absolutely brilliant. <3

(Oh, and um... Josh Groban? LOVE. LOOOOOVE.)


effulgent_girl March 28 2008, 16:36:27 UTC
Thank you. When I first heard the Coldplay version, I knew it was perfect for the Doctor and Rose, but I wanted another instumental in there at the end to tie the mix a little more together. So, when I heard The String Quartet's beautiful rendition of the song, I knew I had to put that in there.
Josh Gorban is <3 :)


milly March 28 2008, 03:10:49 UTC
Oh GOD, you are made of SO MUCH AWESOME.

And pre-emptive, would it be okay if I vidded any of these?


effulgent_girl March 28 2008, 03:24:55 UTC
:D Hee
That's the problem with making fanmixes for me, I want to vid all the songs. I still have like 3 or 4 from my last one to make. You can use any of them; I love your vids:)


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