Nov 18, 2007 20:45
So I'm now caught up on Buffy Season 8. I wasn't going to read the comics, but Jo Chen's covers are too pretty to resist. A friend picked up the Long Way Home paperback for my birthday, which I read through in about an hour. I'm incredibly cheap and didn't want to buy No Future For You in seperate comics--although I'll probably purchase a paperback, if one is released. Instead, I went to Barnes & Noble and sat down in the middle of the magazine section and read through parts 1-3. Yeah, I got some strange looks.
I'm really loving the comics. I don't necessarily like a lot of the choices made, and I feel like a lot of it is sort of vaguely out of character, but it's just so nice to get my Joss fix. So. Nice. (I can't wait for Dollhouse! Eliza Dushku + Joss = INSTANT PERFECTION. Y/N?)
Anyhow, why is isn't there more Buffy/Satsu fanfiction? I don't understand. I mean, yeah, it's easy to be overwhelmed by the Fuffy, but still. What would this ship be called? Batsu? Suffy? Satfy? Bufsu? Hm. If anyone can rec Buffy/Satsu I'd be thrilled. If not, I may be forced to write some. I actually thought they'd be cute together before I even got to the whole cinnamon lipgloss business. Probably from the instant Buffy mentioned Satsu's hair. Aww.
In other news, I saw Dan in Real Life on Friday. It was charming. Not the greatest movie of all time, but very cute. Honestly, Steve Carrell can do very little wrong. Well, I passed on Evan Almighty, but Little Miss Sunshine was just adorable, and I love The Office.
Just a note, Smashed is really much funnier at three in the morning. Especially if you've just eaten about half a box of those delicious Tofutti ice cream sandwiches.
Okay, back to studying my Mandarin!
! update,