Feb 05, 2011 18:05
For the first time in a long time, I hit up a theater solo. It was...a bit odd, not having her with me, taking in the experience together. Yet it was also...liberating. It felt good to be out on my own without having to worry about the one you're with. I only wish it felt just as good to go home to a place that once served as my sanctuary, the one place I knew I could run to; the only place I felt most loved. Sigh. As it is, this home is just a place to lay my head, no longer my sanctuary since the moment she wanted out and I reluctantly agreed to let her go.
On a lighter note, I thoroughly enjoyed Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I know, I'm a bit late in the game, but it took a lot for me to work up the strength to see this film knowing the series will soon come to an end. I guess I wanted to prolong the experience a bit longer. Honestly, I think I needed time to work things through in my personal life before I could really appreciate the film. And knowing that HPATDH the film would be every bit as dark and somber as the book, I decided to wait before diving head first into another depressing scenario. But the wait is finally over, and I must say it was definitely worth it.
harry potter,