Jul 11, 2008 05:10
...and to keep my mind off that some while I am exhausted but can't sleep, and for those who care, here's the roundup of today's odd and somewhat confusing, mildly pleasing and weirdly frustrating iPhone 2.0/MobileMe developments.
- 5am: MobileMe, the new service from Apple which kills .Mac in favor of push email, contacts, calendars, photos and more, was supposed to transition early in the morn (5am) Thursday morning. It didn't happen. I couldn't sleep anyway, so I was up checking until I crashed at 7:30am. I awoke at 9:15, and still no MobileMe. No .Mac either.
- 9:30am: Other news was coming out, though - a MobileMe update for some through Software Update! Not for me, though. But I found the direct link and got it. It provided a new Preference Pane for MobileMe, but wouldn't allow me to log in. Harrumph.
- 10am: However, even more exciting news emerged: a link was in the wild for the official iPhone 2.0 firmware, as well as the iTunes 7.7 update! App Store for iPhone, here we come! Downloaded, installed, found apps, and appy goodness was enjoyed. A success! However, it was clear this was not what Apple intended to happen - some apps' network interfaces weren't in effect yet. Most worked though.
- 11am: App Store is officially up. Network interface apps now work. iPhone 2.0 still not official, but it's clear Apple knew we had it and let us play. MobileMe... it's up! No, it's down! It's up-- oh, no, it's down.
- 8pm: It's up! I can see it! *refresh* It's gone! I still can't login to the prefs pane.
- 11pm: It's up! I can see it! *refresh* It's gone!
- 3am: I can log in to the prefs pane. I can set up my push email, contacts, calendars. I... can't push anything though. BUT! Web apps work! Aaaaand... now they're gone again.
- 5:21am: ... ... ...---... ...---... ...