Aug 05, 2009 12:12
Got my schedule today! This is the most fucked up schedule I've ever seen in my LIFE.
A word beforehand: Japanese 4, Japanese 3, Calculus, and Senior Orchestra are ALL second period. Yeah.
1: AP European History
2: AP/PSO Calculus
3: Student Aide
4: Honors Physics
5: Senior Composition
6: Weird Independent Study that halftimes Japanese in Sensei's Japanese 1 class so is also partially Student Aide and Orchestra (Cadet) near concert-times to get it all together.
7: Contemporary Literature
8: Honors Anatomy
OKAY, it could've been a LOT worse. this looks really good on paper, but if either Mr. Oliver or Sensei don't want to do that weirdness for sixth hour, it screws me over. I need Orchestra to stay in TYO and I want to keep up with Japanese more than anything else. So I really hope THAT works out.
No AP English because that was also sixth period BUT there's a currently full Regular English 4 class taught by the same teacher 7th hour. If a spot opens up, I'll move over to that class instead of Contemporary Literature.
I'll probably still take the AP test anyways, but still. This is the most fucked up my schedule has EVER been, but I think I prioritized the important classes (IE Calculus.)
That's how I feel lately. Sorry.