wave your hands in the air

Apr 18, 2009 23:55

Something that's been sort of bothering me for about a week or so:


It started with an article on Yahoo earlier this week and I read it because I've grown up listening to all the stereotypes that the situation presented, from being in second grade when it happened to Virginia Tech freshman year when the similarities were brought up to the ten year anniversary.

And the curiosity was sort of started by looking at the pictures of the shooters. I mean, I didn't expect them to look like maniacs who would be so obvious, though the stereotypes I've been presented with surely added to my own surprise with how normal they were. These kids didn't look like killers no matter how hard I stared at the pictures. And then it clicked that they were senior pictures and they were to graduate in a month.

They had the whole world ahead of them only to end it all in their school library surrounded by the carnage of most of their 13 murders.

It's really dumb to be bothered by it so much, and bothered not by the victims or the carnage but by the shooters themselves, but I am. I want to meet these people, to have been there before that shooting and have talked to them.

Try hard as I might, I can't see anything but the Marylin Manson approach to the whole thing: "I wouldn't have said a word to them. I would've listened, what no one else would do."

Now, it probably wouldn't have helped. Eric Harris was likely a narcissistic megalomaniac in the end and he was the mastermind behind the whole thing. But I bet they could've been talked out of it.

Ghah, this post makes no sense. I just really had to get that off my chest. Feel free to share thoughts; I'm terrible at arguing or debating so try to keep it objective? XD;
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