Title: Chasing the Dragonfly
Fandom/Series: Trigun/Kingdom Hearts,crossover:
Characters: Vash, Rikku
Pairing: Vash/Rikku.
Summary: Before Vash's nobody Sahvx was born and before Rikku became a Gullwing fairy, they had a chance meeting.
Challenge/Theme: Written for my "bro" Erik' birthday! :D
Length: 55 words.
Genre: General/Crack/Crossover.
Rating: G.
Status: Complete.
Warning: Het, may not make sense to other people other than Erik.
Notes: Written as a gift-fic, so if it's confusing to you and you're not Erik, sorry. :( I may make this a longer story at some point.
Before once-strong hearts and human-true form succumbed to darkness and despair, two wanderers forged an uncanny bond…
It was a perky, sprite-like girl that pick-pocked him-and failed.
Vash the Stampede caught her by the wrist. Feigning disappointment, he chided her, then, smiling, let her go.
The hunter chasing love may have found his dragonfly.