Title: One Plus One
Fandom/Series: The Matrix/Some Idiots; crossover
Characters: Cade Somers, Neo
Pairing: Cade Somers/Neo
Summary: World-hopping Cade ends up in the Matrix for a short and flirts with Neo to pass the time between teleports. Prequel to Some Idiots Have All the Luck. Not canon. (Writing this, I realized Cade's potential to be a Larry Stu in the Matrix universe.)
Challenge/Theme: Written as a gift for my best friend Brittany Garwood for her19th birthday.
Length: 55 words, as per the request! :D
Genre: Crack/Crossover/General.
Rating: G.
Status: Complete.
Warning: This might not make much sense to anybody other than Brittany. Also, Slash.
Notes: This fic was written specifically for one person as a gift, and it may upset/annoy/piss-off/creep out/confuse the hell out of all other people. If you read this, read with upmost caution and a comedy-geared, open mind.
Two minutes, he’d teleport again. Until then…
“Nice coat.” Cade winked at the man clad in black before him.
They matched.
“You can see me?!” Neo’s eyebrows raised. “You’re not-”
“Sorry, no. I’m human.”
“…How is this possible?” Ironic, coming from the One.
Cade smiled. “We have the same powers.”
Neo smirked in return.