(no subject)

Oct 23, 2005 11:55

so for those of you that i didnt tell, i was in a car accident last night. of course, i'm fine, but my car isnt.

i was drivng west on 98 in the right hand lane going out to see tin in pensacola. two drunk mexicans pull out of a bar parking lot and hit my car in the front passenger side. my car went over the median into the lanes of oncoming traffic, luckily, there werent any cars coming at the moment and i had time to get control of mine and pull it into the median.

i was so disoriented. i got out without turning off my car or anything. the air bags had deployed and the fumes were making me cough and i started to cry. i dialed 911 and told the person who answer i had been in a car accident and they asked if anyone needed an ambulance and i said i didnt, but i wasnt sure if anyone else did, i was walking back to the other car (about 100 yards away) she asked me where i was and i said on hwy98, i wasnt sure where though. when i saw a street sign i told her what it was and she said she was sending police. she asked if anyone needed an ambulance again and i said i didnt think so and i asked around and then told her no. an off duty fire fighter saw me crying and wandering around cluelessly and he came and gave me a hug and told me i would be ok and asked me if i had any injuries and checked me over to make sure i was ok and after i stopped crying he explained to me that he had see the two guys leaving a gas station drunk a while ago and didnt call it in and he was sorry and if he had been in his car with the lights he would have pulled them over but he wasnt and he thanks god we're ok and that he had followed them and when they hit me they got out and ran and he knew what house they were in so the police could find them, hopefully. then he got on the phone with police or someone and i started to cry again, i was ok, just shook up, but a lady who also saw it told me to sit down in her car and i did, but there was kids in the back and i was afraid i was scaring them, so i got up and called my parents. my dad came out to pick me up. my insurance is going to pay until that guy is found, but i have a $500 deductible. i really hope my car is fixable, and not totalled, because if its totalled i have to find a new one, and i'm out the money my parents lent me for this one, even though i know my loan will be paid off because i have gap insurance to cover whatever the insurance comapny doesnt. i really really really hope my car can be fixed. i love that car i doubt i'd find one i could afford that was as good as it was. i really hope they can fix it.

i'm ok except just a little sore, and my righ hand is bruised, swolen, and scraped. i guess when they hit me it flung from the steering wheel into the dash. thank god i was wearing a seat belt or that would have been my whole body.

we called the insurane people last night, but we wont hear anything until monday.
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