Aug 02, 2008 10:27
My AC's gone out! I had them over to recharge the freon and that lasted less than a day. They are coming back Tuesday to replace the whole thing. I am so broke!!! Sigh! Home ownership is just a series of "what nows"! Double sigh!
Didn't sleep much last night. Need to take a mid morning nap like the dog and cat are!
In more interesting news:
- Did everyone get a chance to view the new HP trailer? They've hired Ralph Fiennes nephew Hero to play young Tom Riddle. The kids a bit scarey!
- The last season/series four episode of Doctor who has finally air in the US. I "ahemed" it a few weeks ago. I am still "bovvered" over what they did with Donna. But really, don't get me started on the whole Rose/DonnaDoctor thing. Ugh! That is just so wrong. I've come to realize I am a bit old fashion about my Who. The Doctor may love his companions but he does fall in love with his companions. (I am reserving judgment on the River Song bit until we see more.) -- Like I said, old fashioned.