Dec 06, 2006 02:58
for any of you who are close you know my life of late is chaos, so sorry if I am ebing antisocial. But here is a rundown, yes this is me griping and bitching a bit, so guess what? Ims shoving this sucker under a cut.
So a couple of weeks ago I had yet another fucked up trip to Mackay, started by missing my flight, and then halfway through I find out I am not doing Bowen, but flying home on Thursday to attend training in the city on Friday. Errrrrm one problem, by Thursday afternoon I can't talk, my throat is swollen, my nose is going like a tap and I am shaking with fever.....on a fucking plane......
So yes, Friday is off, I miss the work Christmas party on Saturday, and then a whole week of work, which puts me behind on my reports, but halfway through the week I get a truly terrifying phone call, "it has to be done by lunch today or they are calling the Minister" and folks, yes they mean cabinet minister, not preist. To top this off the problem is handed to me with a half hour to deadline and it is one I can do nothing about, but, and trust me this is a big but, it does reveal a problem in the computer system, and in my training. It means that about 1/2 of all of the 80+ reports I have done have been submitted without the referral! I have been doing the damn things wrong all this time and it is not my fault due to a computer glitch and a blank spot in training, but unfortunately my name is still on all of those incorrect reports....I feel truly crap about this.
Perrin took my comp in for repair, and told my bos that I wanted some extra training, but he put the damn thing wrong so now I have someone second guessing everything I do and I am itting here defending all of my decisions and judgements and I want to frigging cry. On top of that I keep finding more and more discrepancies between proper procedure and my training, and even though I know this shit is not my fault it still makes me look bad, feel bad, and feel like giving up. I have gone from being "the company's rising star" as my boss used to call me to "the girl with the most DNA's, constant travel chaos, behind in reports and reports errors. I am not getting days off because it is a constant game of catch up because I have been trying like mad to do the right thing by the company.
Dammit I have almost cried at work twice today!
and that is after I drove for 1.5 hours and almost crossed the state line to get to the site.
today I feel like curling up and dying, and I still have to play catch up and finish making Xmas gifts, and I have guests coming over tonight.....and it is getting a bit much.....