"The New Victorians"

Jul 22, 2007 07:46

So this article reminded me a lot of another article that Sarah recently posted about how young people no longer have the resources to act like our irresponsible hippie parents did back in the 60's. Money quote:

“We came from these boomer parents who were very free love and change-the-world and made a lot of difference, but, in order to give us the opportunities they wanted us to have, became very traditional,” said Olivia. “And because the world has changed, we’ve tried to leap to our parents’ level of success right after school, rather than trying to figure out who we are and make mistakes.”

Do you agree with this? Not to make any too-broad generalizations, but between increasing academic pressures, vocational competitiveness and concern over things like STDs, loans and housing, it seems like our generation has ever-greater pressures to make us worry about whether or not we are behaving responsibly enough.

Along similar lines, I once read a study suggesting that our generation mostly identifies with the anxious, industrious and ultimately luckless Wile E. Coyote in the old Warner Brothers cartoons. Evidently this was surprising to our parents, who tended to identify with the carefree Roadrunner.

Last night, Lisa and I were watching Harold and Maude. Now, I really like the movie -- and this may just be a character flaw -- but in the back of my head, I kept thinking, "oh man, you could never really do that..."
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