May 31, 2005 11:21
I do not like being sick. Especially when I have that one cough. You know the one that shake your entire being. I would just like someone to snuggle with, but a) I do not want to get any one sick and b) there is no one around (especially any available cute boys).
Among the million other things that make coming home after college weird is the serious lack of guys that I could potentially date, because I feel like I grew up with them and I don't really have any urge to date them. That's okay though. It just give me more of a chance to "find myself" and shit.
The most significant thing that makes coming home after college weird is readjusting to friends. You go to college and meet all these new people is this brand new atmosphere. You start to build routines and get familiar with other people's rhythms. You fall into a rhyhtm yourself, and you get comfortable. It took my pretty much all of fall semester to get really comfortable, but when it happened it felt so good.
But then i had to leave. Back here, it feels weird. Friends that I once had are now harder to converse with. My family has not changed at all while I changed a great deal. And boy am I restless. I want to go somewhere but there is no place to go. I will be starting my job soon, which I think will help, but i realize now that I am different and thats okay. Hopefully everyone else can be okay with that too.
God this sounds cliched and trite. Probably because I just watched "St. Elmo's Fire". Oh man. Classic.
Hey kids you should give me a ring or write me or something. I miss you all a lot! I hope you're summer's are fantastic. I promise that mine will be, I just need some time to acclimate myself to this new dynamic.
I love big words so much.