the night was moist.

Nov 26, 2007 23:17

 Well, Thanksigiving break was interesting. Black Friday was as predicted, overly dramatic. And I got screwed over financially by a stupid store in the mall. I mean, what the hell? I went to return an item and the lady charged me AGAIN! Now I have an overdraft fee... I will have to wait til tomorrow to see how the situation resolves. But it's really nice to have a negative balance in my account and being up here at school.

Oh well, hopefully that matter will be resolved.

I miss home already... I wish the semester was over. I guess it will be very soon. I have 3 papers to write and additional homework, plus finals, left.  I guess that's not too bad.

I hear the final schedule is beginning to circulate itself, I will have to stop by Kumble and grab a copy.

I really don't have too much to say.  Lots of worries but there is nothing I can do about any of them...I guess it is just the stress of life.

I wil say, my temper has improved immensely. I don't fly off the handle as often as I used, and now if I do, its pointed in a more appropriate direction, rather than just being taken out on someone. So I'm very happy about that.... and perhaps that's something I look back upon when the new year approaches..... maybe for once I will have completed a resolution!

I'm still pondering what to do workwise in the spring... I dont wanna work weekends but I will need money... I'll have to do some strategizing...soon. Because my best bet would be Victoria's Secret again. Hmm....

I shall get ready for bed. My honey bunny will be calling soon.

I love him so much. =) if one good thing is going on in my life, it's him =) I feel more in love than ever!
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