Bits and Bobs

Sep 08, 2012 21:50

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Harry Potter retrospective. Sigh. This fandom will always hold a piece of my heart - a lot of these scenes still give me chills. <3


Product rave of the week: Ultrabland, from Lush. :D I love it, it leaves my skin so soft and smooth! I put it on in the shower, let it sit while I do other stuff, and then rub it in with warm water before finally rinsing it off. I'm going to start putting it on my nose more often - for some reason I'm very prone to dry skin AND spots on the very tip of my nose, which is annoying.

:/ Isn't acne supposed to stop by the time I'm in my thirties? :P I mean, I know I'll be grateful a few years from now because apparently people with oily skin retain youthfulness longer, but still.


Book rec of the week: Ordinary Magic, by Caitlen Rubino-Bradway. This book takes a common trope in books right now and turns it around, and the result is rather interesting! I have a couple of quibbles with some relationship development throughout the book, but overall the world building is fantastic, and the the story is both heartbreaking and reassuring.


Work is going better than ever - I'm pretty content with it right now, to be honest. :D One of my friends just got a semi-promotion and I'm happy for her, but I don't wish it for myself, at the moment. I think I have more security where I am right now.

My gran is doing fairly well, I think - she seems to be focusing on getting out more, and we talk every day, which I like to think helps. Of course, I'm not sure how much she shows me... She's always been very much the type to hide what she's thinking. I hate to think of her being lonely, but I can only do the best I can from this distance.


I see that people are enjoying this year's Doctor Who? I'll confess, I haven't watched much of it over the last little while... Amy and Rory started to bore me. :/ But maybe I will make the effort to catch up - I think it's on Netflix.

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books, family: gran, fandom: harry potter, skin care

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