(no subject)

Mar 13, 2012 19:50

So, I got an update from my grandmother.

My grandfather is still in the hospital - I'm not sure how long that will last, but it's at least until tomorrow.

His confusion got much worse last night. Things like telling her that he wanted something that sounded like 'soda biscuits', but then getting up to get a glass of water when she finally told him to show her. He mumbles, but not so badly that she would think those two sounded alike! He was quiet all night, not talking much, before announcing quite early that he was going to go to bed. When my grandmother got up a few minutes later to do her own preparations, she found him sitting on the side of his bed, not really doing anything... He'd forgotten to take his shoes off, which is part of his usual routine.

By this part she was concerned - again as I said, these sound small, but they're not when you know that the person involved has a history with strokes. Also, by this time apparently she'd asked him what her name was... And he either couldn't or wouldn't answer at that point, just smiled at her.

She told him that she was going to take him to the hospital, and really got no response at all. He just continued taking his shoes off and said that he didn't want to put them back on - whether this was a sign of confusion or just his way of resisting even further, I don't know.

She went to see him today, and he still can't tell her what her name is - or the name of the cats. He didn't know my name, either, but he named my uncle Jimmy, and told my grandmother that our neighbour lived across the street, when she gave him the name. He didn't recognise one of our other neighbours when he came to pick up my grandmother to take her home, though.

I can already tell that my grandmother is thinking of this in terms of how difficult/easy it will be for her to take care of him. 'Well, he can still get up to go to the bathroom, so that's half the battle.' 'He seems fine phsyically, so even if he reverts to being more childlike, that's something we can handle.'

We'll have to see, I guess. If it's a hemorrhage, he could recover slowly - it tends to recede and some of the abilities come back. It seems to be affecting memory/speech at this point.

It could have been so much worse, so I'm grateful for that. I just wish my grandmother had someone there with her.


In other news, I have an interview on Thursday for the support desk position at work, so wish me luck? I *think* it's with the two TMs that will be leading it, which I like the idea of - they're nice, so hopefully that will help my nervousness.

Oh! And in other news, I have approval to use an ereader at work, now!! After being told no by my last TM, I then found out that some of my friends were using theirs at work - when I asked them about it, they said that their TM had given them approval. So I asked H, my new TM, and he said yes!

Of course, with this whole interview thing, I'm wondering if it won't matter in the end, because it seems like I'd be moving to a new position/have a new manager. But we'll see - I don't know how busy I'd be, or what they will say. Either way, I may get myself a Kobo in a couple of months - I'm making an effort to read more often, and even if I don't use it at work, I'll have my daily commute and my days off. I do use my kindle right now, and I can't keep buying physical books - they take up too much space!

Lastly, I feel so sad/worried for a girl that I work with. Her mother disappeared on February 29th, from a cruise ship... She's just gone, no sign of her. There are reports coming out about how her relationship with her boyfriend, who was with her. He says that he last saw her going to the casino, and then reported her missing seven hours later when she hadn't come back.

I'm assuming the worst, of course... It's hard not to. Rocky relationship with her boyfriend, vanishing into thin air on a cruise ship... It breaks my heart to think about it. My coworker is young, in her early twenties - I can't imagine how she's feeling, with no answers, no idea what's gone on. I hope they get some closure, that their mother comes home safe and sound.

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family: grandfather, work, family: gran, interview

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