apparently angry Atlantis fans are 'punishing' SGU.
What a load of bs.
Two points.
1.) If you cancel a show, take responsibility for how fans are going to react to that. Don't get wrapped up in entitlement and act as though fans of Show A are only 'real' fans if they like Show B.
2.) Take some bloody responsibility for the fact that if the show was actually really good, it'd be doing better. The show has little resemblance to the first SG shows, it's basically been marketed as BSG-lite, neither appealing to hardcore fans of the SG franchise nor those who like space opera like BSG. That'd be why it isn't doing well, perhaps, not just 'bitter' fans.
Sigh. :P
OMG there is a tiny Joseph Gordon-Levitt on my screen in Angels in the Outfield. :D He's adorable.
My mother called me today and left a message. She sounds grumpy - maybe because I haven't called either her or my sister even though she's messaged me on Facebook and also left voicemail. I just... there's all this crap that she's pulled on my grandmother, and not only that, but it's not as though my sister has made any effort to contact me in months. So now I have to decide whether I will call them back. I really should, I suppose. I just really don't want to.
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